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As Kasey and Kelley lay contently, watching each other and smiling.

Kelley leans over and kisses Kasey, "Morning."

Kasey smiles, "Morning."

"You're okay with what happened last night, right?" Kelley watches her, somewhat unsure of how she'll respond.

"I'm okay with it, Kel. I wanted it and you."


"Go away," Kelley yells out, making Kasey laugh.

"C'mon, let us in, we brought coffee," they hear voices that sound a lot like Alex and Tobin.

Tobin remembering it's her room and that she has a card, uses it to open the door. Looking and seeing the two women in bed together and the pile of clothes on the floor, she smiles and lets out a laugh, "Get some clothes on; we'll be in the hall." She nudges Alex, who is sporting a gigantic grin, out in the hallway with her.

"I guess it's time for us to get up." Kelley responds to Kasey's comment with, "They're lucky they brought coffee with them." Kasey lets out a chuckle, "Don't tell me you aren't a morning person."

"Not when I have a beautiful woman in my bed, I'm not." Kelley smiles at her before lifting the covers and getting out of the bed. Making her way over to the dresser, she pulls out some clothes to put on before then heading to the bathroom to finish making herself decent. She yells back, "Do you need anything?"

"I'm good, thanks." Kasey collects the bag she brought with her and pulls out the change of clothes along with a hairbrush, toothbrush and deodorant. Putting on fresh clothes, she turns her attention to gathering up the discarded ones from the previous evening and shoving them in the bag.

As Kelley exits the bathroom, looking a lot more human than she did when she went in, Kasey takes her place and goes about brushing her teeth and washing her face and hands. Looking in the mirror, she realizes that the gel she carefully placed in her hair the previous day has created a look she can only call "sex hair," and she knows that attempting to brush it out isn't going to do any good. She's glad at that moment that she generally always has a snapback in the bag to cover the mess.

When she opens the door and comes out of the bathroom, Kasey finds that not only are Tobin and Alex there, but also Christen and Ashlyn are sitting on the bed. Kasey is happy that Megan doesn't appear to be part of the group as she's sure as heck that the player would have something to say about her current appearance.

Alex walks over to her and passes her a cup. "Thanks, Alex." Alex smiles and nods.

"So, how was your night, guys?" Ashlyn looks squarely at Kasey and Kelley as she asks the question.

"Judging by the noises coming from here, Kelllllllleeeeeeyyyy, it must have been good," Tobin says and laughs, earning a smack on the arm from Christen as she says it.

Kasey, not being comfortable with the attention, turns her focus to the carpet's pattern beneath the bed and her feet.

Kelley noticing what's going on, gets up off the bed, walks over to where Kasey is, places her arm around her waist. "Our night was perfect, and that's all you need to know." Kelley kisses Kasey's cheek making her blush, and Alex and Christen let out "Awwws" in response to it.

"Okay, enough of the cutesy stuff. We're heading out in a couple of hours, and we wanted to speak with Kasey before we left. So, Worms, we're here to steal, your girl for a bit." Alex stands up and smiles, and she says it.

"Maybe you wanna use the time to pack, KO, because I'm not packing your crap for you. Last time I ended up back in Portland with a Sky Blue shirt in my suitcase and had some explaining to do."

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