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Knock ... knock ... knock

Kasey leans over her suitcase eyeing up her options. "Kel, can you get the door, please? I'm still trying to figure out what shirt to wear. Damn, I wish I packed more." 

Kelley snickers as she climbs off the bed makes her way over to the door and opens it to let the crew in. 

"Morning guys. What no Ash? I figured she would be all over this." 

Ali smiles, "Normally she would have been, but, she already has an appearance scheduled at a furniture store today, so she couldn't come. We brought you guys coffee." 

Kelley takes a cup from the tray that Jen is holding, "Thank you!" 

Ali and Jen look over at Kasey and Ali laughs, "Morning, Kase. Everything okay?" 

"No. Not, really. I don't know what shirt to wear." 

Jen laughs, "Told you, Kriegs. Wild Thing, relax, we raided Ali's closet before coming so you have a few more options to choose from." 

Kasey takes a sip of her coffee and looks at her friends and fiancée, "Have I told you guys how much I love you? Cause, if I haven't I really should more often." 

"Kase, enough with the sappy and get a move on; you don't want to be late and the traffic from here to there is unpredictable." 

Kasey smiles, "Okay. Kriegs."

Kasey lines up the shirts on the unused bed before picking one up and putting it on. "What do you guys think?"

"Try the blue one, Kase, it's a bit more your style."  

Kasey does as Ali suggests and puts the blue top on for them all to see. "Well?"

"Definitely, go with blue, Babe."

"Damn, just when I thought it wasn't possible for you to look any hotter." 

"Stay in your lane, Sheridan!" 

Jen laughs as does Kasey and Ali, "I'm allowed to appreciate the fact that my best friend is a smoke show, am I not?" 

Kelley looks at her, "Provided you appreciate it from afar we won't have any problem!" Kelley smiles and looks over her girl, "You look gorgeous, Kase, but, then again you always do in my eyes." 

Ali clears her throat, "Enough with the foreplay, we need to get a move on!"  

They all laugh and Kasey finishes getting her hair and makeup fixed up before they all head out to Ali's BMW to make the drive to Tampa. 

"Shot gun!" Kelley tuns to the passenger side of the car. 

"Really, KO?" 

Kelley smiles and nods while Kasey laughs at her antics. 

"You sure you want to marry that child, Kase?" 

Kelley looks back at Jen and pulls Kasey over to her, "If I were a child would I be able to do this?" She promptly pressed her lips against Kasey's before pulling away. 

"Babe! Don't mess my makeup!" 

"My bad, sorry!" 

"Just get in the car, Kel." 

With Kasey barely saying a word on the drive, Jen can't help but see the wheels turning. 

"What's going on in your head right now, Wild Thing?" 

Kasey looks towards Jen, "Just processing. The last 24 hours have been kinda insane; I signed a contract to play in the NWSL and now we're on our way to meet up with one of my favourite singers." 

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