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Kasey pulls up to the curb outside of Kylie's school and waits for her daughter to climb out of the backseat and join her friends. This morning things are different and Kylie is reluctant to leave the confines of the vehicle. 

"What's up, Ky?" Kasey watches her in the mirror. 

"I don't want Kelley to leave." 

As she turns to respond to Kylie's statement, Kelley touches her arm and shakes her head, letting her know she's got it. 

"Kylie, my season with Sky Blue will be over soon and we aren't going to qualify for the postseason, not to mention there are only a few games scheduled for the National team. With your Mom's permission, I would really like to spend some time here and with the two of you. What would you think of that idea?" 

Kasey smiles and laughs as her daughter responds with an enthusiastic, "Yes and that would be awesome!" 

"We can Facetime until then right?" 

Kelley smiles, "Of course, I'm curious to find out how you did on your Geography assignment. And I need someone to discuss the 100 with because your Mom doesn't really seem invested in it."

Kasey shakes her head and laughs and the truth that Kelley is saying, she really doesn't care for the show, she just likes Clarke and Lexa and hopes they end up together. 

"Ky, you need to get out now because we need to head to the airport." 

Kylie steps out of the car as does Kelley and they share a hug, "Have a good day at school, kiddo." 

Kylie waves at them before making her way over to join her group of friends. 

Kasey pulls away from the curb and then drives in the direction of Ottawa International, arriving there half an hour later. Kelley questions what she is doing when she turns into the cell phone lot rather than going straight to the terminal. 

"What's up?" Kelley looks at her and asks as Kasey puts the car in park. 

"We can't exactly kiss goodbye in the middle of the terminal. I figured this would be a safe place to do that because it's not busy."  

Kelley smiles before leaning over and meeting her in a passionate kiss that neither wants to end. Her phone starts buzzing and she looks down at it and laughs. 

New Message

Sheridan: What time are you getting in at? 

"What's funny, Kel?" 

"Seems like Jen isn't the only Sheridan, with very bad timing. Kailen is just double-checking when I'm arriving. One sec." 

Kelley types back a message letting Kailen know that she should arrive around noon as Kasey drives them to the main terminal and pulls to a stop at the curb for departures. 

"Are you sure you don't want to wait with me?" Kelley reaches for Kasey's hand and squeezes it. 

"I can't, Kel, I'm already fighting tears and you haven't even left yet. I'd prefer not to be seen in the terminal looking all a mess." 

"A beautiful mess." 

Kasey smiles, "So, one week and we'll be seeing each other again in Washington." 

Kelley nods, "One week, we got this Wild Thing."  

"I'm going to miss you, Kel."

"I'm going to miss you, too, Kase." Kelley reaches for the handle and opens the car door, "I need to check-in and get to my gate." 

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