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Kelley looks over at Kasey and takes a deep breath, "Truth, huh?" 

Kasey nods, "Yes, I think we owe it to ourselves and each other to be open and honest about everything." 

"Okay. I've never been good at expressing my thoughts and or feelings, but I'll try my best." 

"That's all I'm asking for." 

"Kase, I feel a connection with you that I've never felt with anyone before and it's scary, but in a good way. I know that we haven't known each other that long but honestly, I can't seem to get enough of you. In the past, I've always been focused on the physical aspect of a relationship, and not the actual connection; with you, it's the exact opposite. I'm not saying that I don't want to sleep with you, because, that would be a lie, but I'm fine with just talking and touching and forming a starting point towards something that could be longer than just a one-time thing. I've been told in the past that I'm not the relationship type, but, I find myself really wanting to try for you and us. I know that it isn't ideal to start a relationship when we are both going to be in different places and well, even different countries for that matter, but, what would you think about the idea of giving us a try?"   

"I thought you said you weren't good at expressing your thoughts and feelings?" 

Kelley lets out a chuckle, "I may have had someone recently give me a much-needed nudge." 

"Should I even ask?" 

"Alex sent me a couple of pictures she took of us when we were in the park and it made me realize that I'm not ready to give you up." 

"I don't want to give you up either, Kel." 

"So, is that your way of saying that you want to try and do the long-distance thing?" 

Kasey rather than answering the question instead places her hand on Kelley's jaw and leans over until their lips meet. Kelley lays back on the bed and pulls Kasey on top of her where they continue to kiss until both need to come up for air.  

"So, I'm thinking that was your way of saying yes, am I correct?" Kelley smiles at her as she asks. 

"Yes. The past few days with you have been amazing and I really want to see where this takes us." 

"I'm glad we're on the same page, beautiful." 

"Me too. You have no idea how much I've been struggling with my feelings the last few days." 

"I think, I have a pretty good idea because I've been feeling it as well." 

Staring at each other, they smile before rejoining their lips and sharing a few more kisses. 

"I can't help but notice how incredibly sexy you look in my jersey, Babe, but I'd really like to see what's underneath it." Kelley gives one of her million-dollar smiles as she says it causing butterflies in Kasey's stomach to surface. 

Kasey smiles, "Is that your way of asking me to take my shirt off, O'Hara?"

"Yes, but only if you want to." 

Kasey sits up and slowly begins to lift her shirt up, but only enough so that it reveals the black lace bra, that she's now glad she had the foresight to put on. 

Kelley watches her every move and can't help but nervously lick her lips at the sight. Kasey smiles at her and Kelley feels her heart begin to race even more than it already is. "It's not nice to tease, Wild."

Kasey smiles once more and laughs before lifting the shirt over her head and throwing it down on the floor. 

Kelley responds by letting out a moan, before lifting Kasey off her and then laying her on her back on the bed. She begins placing kisses down Kasey's chin, neck, shoulder and collarbone while gently massaging her breasts over the top of their covering. Hearing Kasey let out moans under her, fuels Kelley to do more and want more. She continues her path down and places a trail of kisses between Kasey's breasts before moving down to get her first touch and taste of the well-defined midsection that she earlier caught glimpses of and worshipping them, much to Kasey's delight. 

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