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"Your coffee, my love."

Kasey smiles at her wife as Kelley sits down opposite her.

"I just got confirmation that the song is ready to drop; sounds like it's going to hit the airwaves later today."

"And the video?"

"I asked if they could hold off on it until after the Final. I don't want it to overshadow the hard work of all the players who've been here and played in the World Cup, that wouldn't be proper."

Kelley smiles, "Wouldn't be proper, huh?"

Kasey chuckles and shakes her head, "No, it wouldn't be."

"I know you, what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours, Kase?"

"France has been amazing and playing in the World Cup insane, but, I'm ready to be back in Raleigh curled up on the couch, watching movies and fighting for a spot on the bed with Buddy."

"Told you, that you, shouldn't have let him start sleeping on the bed."

"Pardon me for wanting company when my wife is away. The house isn't a home unless you're there to share it with Kylie and me and the nights are very long and lonely."

"You're awfully sappy; crap! That usually means ... "

Kasey nods, "Yep."

"Do you need anything? Advil? Hot water bottle? Chocolate?"

"Honestly, you know what I'd love?"


"Not to be the only one in this relationship, who, has to deal with period problems."

"Maybe, I do have problems and I'm just better than you at hiding and or tolerating them?"

"Really? You need someone to distract you when you have blood drawn, there's not a chance you're hiding cramps and or nausea from me."

Kelley gives a half smile, "True. So, I think most of the girls are hitting the pool today and just lounging, you up for that or?"

"Maybe in a little while, I think I'm best served laying down, chilling and possibly even finishing that book I started on the flight over here."

"I promised Ky she could hang with me at the pool."

Kasey smiles, "That's fine, you know how much of a fish she is; makes sure she puts on some sunscreen."

"Not my first rodeo, Wild!"

"Shut up!!"

"Morning, children."

"Hey, Pinoe."

"So, Wild, do you think you can hook me up with a reservation at that restaurant you and KO went to the other day? You know the one inside the Eiffel Tower?"

"They have a website and phone number you can call."

"I tried and the person who answered, kept saying non and hanging up on me."

Kasey chuckles, "Did you happen to mention your name?"

Rapinoe nods and Kasey smiles, "That was your mistake. Is it just for you and Sue?"

"Double with Ash and Kriegs."


Rapinoe nods and Kasey picks up her phone. Stepping away from the table, they can hear Kasey going back and forth between French and English.

"Krieger. Oui. Quatre dans le groupe. Yes. 7? Tres bien. Okay. Merci. Bye."

Kasey returns to the table, "They are squeezing you in for the 7:00 setting. The reservation is under Ali's name and do us all a favour and behave."

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