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With her season now concluded, Kelley has joined her her wife, daughter and four legged son in Raleigh. 

Kasey and her are enjoying a few days of rest and relaxation before the keeper needs to get back at it. Kelley although disapointed in the way her season came to and end, missing out on the postseason with their loss to Reign FC in the final match of the season, has quickly retaken her spot as the #1 Kasey Wild fan and supporter. 

"Kel, as much as I'm enjoying just laying here with you; I need to get up and moving." 

Kelley pulls her in closer and kisses her head, "Just a few minutes longer?" 

Kasey chuckles, "Five minutes, that's all." 

"Deal! But, you're in charge of making supper." 

"I shall consult with Little Wild and see if she has any preference for this evening." 

"Okay, I really need to go now, unless you want to tape me up for training?" 

Kelley laughs, "I don't wanna touch those stinky feet of yours." 

"My feet don't stink, my cleats, however, have seen better days; but, there's no chance I'm switching them out until after the Championship game." 

"You seem pretty sure that you're going to be making the trip to the 'ship." 

"I am. Now, release me." 

"Not before I get a kiss or two." 

Kasey smiles and leans over to kiss her wife before climbing off the bed and getting changed for training. 

"See you in a few hours, Babe; love you." 

"Love you, too." 

Saturday morning rolls around and it's match day -1 for Kasey and her North Carolina Courage teammates, who'll be taking on the Megan Rapinoe led, Reign FC side in their Semi-Final, while in the windy city, the Chicago Red Stars will line up with the Portland Thorns and their Captain, Christine Sinclair. 

Kasey stares at the ceiling in her bedroom, willing herself to stay in bed until the alarm sounds out despite having already been awake for an hour. 


"Uh huh?" 

"I can hear the wheels turning in your brain, stop, thinking so much!"

"I can't. We've come so far and I'm stuck on a loop of all the videos and replays that we've been watching this week and trying to will myself to do better."

Kelley sits up and looks over at her, "I'm making us some coffee. Get dressed we're heading out for a bit." 

"Where are we going?" 

"For me to know and you to find out. Now, get up." 

Kelley climbs off the bed, puts on some clothes and then Kasey hears her in the bathroom before the heading to the kitchen. 

Reaching over she collects her phone and turns off the alarm, before doing as her wife told her to do. 

"You planning on telling me where we're headed?" 

Kelley shakes her head, "Can you let Buddy out while I speak with Angie, please? I was going to take him with us, but, I'm not certain he'd be welcomed in the restaurant."

"Oh, so you're taking me out for breakfast?" 

"Amongst other things, yes." 

Kelley checks in on Kylie and in with Angie before grabbing Kasey's hand. "Let's go, Wild. Ang is here if Kylie needs anything."   

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