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Kasey lays back on the bed of her hotel room, chatting on the phone with Kelley. 

"How was training?" 

"It went really well, no pain or stiffness; hoping to get the all clear before the season opener. How about you? How goes US land?" 

Kasey chuckles, "You know, same ole, same ole."

"I'm sure it isn't. Any update on Alyssa?" 

"She's back to training, but, not allowed to do a full session yet; so, the starts are going to most likely be split between Ash and I. I'm hoping Jill lets me have both, because, I want to remind them all that I'm the starting keeper and even with Alyssa's impending return, I'm not giving up my spot without a fight."

"Kase, Lyss isn't expecting to walk back into her position; she knows, she's got a fight on her hands. In the time she's been away, you've proven yourself more than capable of handling anything thrown in your direction both with the US and your Courage girls."

"Thanks, Kel; you always know the right thing to say to get me out of my head, I can't wait until you're cleared and able to return to the team." 

"You just want me back, so, you can order me around." 

Kasey chuckles, "That too. I admit it's fun, yelling and ordering you around on the field as well as at home, in the bedroom." 

"Don't even think of going there, Wild; I've got a schedule to keep." 

Kasey laughs, "There you go neglecting your wifely duties again." 

Kelley bursts out laughing, "Me neglecting my wifely duties? I seem to recall someone crashing on the couch the night before I left."

"I more than made up for that in the shower and you know you know it!" 

"I think our neighbours know as well." 

"Oh God, I hope not!" 

"That's exactly what you said when you came; well, not the hope not part; but, you get it. Anyway, before we go completely off the rails and I end up with blue lips again, should I give the Aussie a call and tell her to take it easy on you tomorrow night?" 

Kasey bursts out laughing, "As if that would even make a difference; Sam, isn't going to give up the shot for anyone of anything." 


Kelley can hear her talking to someone in the background, before coming back to her. "Kel, I should go, I need to get changed and make myself look presentable to be seen in public." 

"You always look good to me, beautiful." 

"That's good, because, I'd hate to think that you don't find me attractive anymore." 

"I always will provided you don't get any ink above the shoulders, cause you know how that creeps me out." 

Kasey chuckles, "Me too. I'll call you later, okay?" 

"Yep. Bye, Babe. Love you." 

"Love you, too." 

The music turned off, the change room is quiet as the USWNT takes a few minutes to collect their thoughts before the staff enters and gives last minute instructions and words of encouragement. 

Kasey sits in her chair, eyes closed, holding her gloves and visualizing how she'll react to shots and or plays should they happen during the match. She's mindful of the fact that Sam Kerr, the all-time NWSL scoring leader and Australia's most lethal weapon is in the starting lineup for the other side, which means, she needs to keep her in the game at all times and expect the unexpected from not only her wife's Aussie buddy, but, also, Caitlin Foord, who's been coming into her own with the Portland Thorns. With just over two months until the Women's World Cup is scheduled to take place in France, Kasey knows the #1 position is hers and her alone to keep or loose and she fully intends on keeping it.

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