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After a few days of enjoying the sun and fun of Florida and its beaches and other attractions, the players gather what they need for a friendly game amongst themselves. 

"What time are we meeting the others at the training grounds, Kriegs?" 

"I told the girls 2:00, but I promised Kasey and Kylie a tour of the facilities beforehand, so we need to leave a bit earlier." 

"Cool." Kelley can't help but think that maybe Kasey seeing the facilities will leave a lasting impression. 

In the meantime, Ashlyn, Kasey and Kylie are checking the Pride goalkeeper's stash of equipment. 

"Thanks for letting me borrow some cleats and gloves, Ash." 

Ashlyn shrugs, "No problem, take what you want. I always have extra around, and it's good to share it with another keeper. Plus, it's not like Ali can wear Umbro stuff as her contract won't allow it." 

"Must be nice to have companies send you stuff. I've struggled to keep Kylie in cleats and clothes that last few years; darn kid won't stop growing!" 

Ashlyn laughs, "It's too bad you can't sign any endorsement contracts as I'm sure I could get them to sign you on as an athlete rep in a heartbeat." 

"It's okay. I mean, Kel promised to hook Kylie and me up with Under Armour stuff when we get back home." 

Ashlyn rolls her eyes, "Of course she did." 

Kasey laughs, "Don't look now, but I think Kylie has taken a liking to your glove selection." 

"She mentioned the possibility of being a goalkeeper next season to me." 

Kasey nods, "Yeah, it's still up for discussion. I want her to have fun playing and as you and I can both attest to being a keeper isn't always fun." 

"Yeah, especially when your defenders forget to show up for the game!"

They both laugh and make moves as Ali yells out for them to hurry up. 

Once they arrive and park at the Pride training centre, Kasey and Kylie take in the view. "This place is huge!" 

"The stadium is even bigger. Maybe after our game, we can check it out."

"Can we please, Ali?" 

Ali smiles, "I'll make a call. It shouldn't be an issue to coordinate a walkthrough."  

"Ash, do you and KO want to grab some balls and cones from the equipment area and take them over to D while I show Kasey and Kylie around?" 

Ashlyn nods, "Have fun. Come on, KO; equipment is this way." 

Ali shows them around the state-of-the-art facility before they venture out towards one of the four fields it houses. 

"Field is this way; I'm sure by now that the others have already arrived." 

Kasey looks around, "Damn, is this how the other half does it?" 

She hears laughing, "It's pretty sweet, eh?" 

Kasey smiles and nods, "Yeah. How are you, Shelina?" 

"I'm good, enjoying the sunshine, unlike the folks back home who are currently digging out." 

Kasey nods, "I was speaking with my Mom earlier, and she said Ottawa got about 30 cm of the white stuff over the past 24 hours." 

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