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The next thing Kasey knows is that she's waking up with Kelley lying beside her watching her sleep. 

"How long was I out for?" 

"Almost two hours. But you needed the sleep, and I didn't want to wake you up. Your Mom and Kylie came back; they headed back out to get food and do some exploring. Your Mom left the car for us to go shopping. Do you feel up to going out, Kase? Because I can message the girls and cancel if you don't." 

"I'm good, Kel; not 100% by any means, but good enough to pick out a killer dress and heels to wear alongside my sexy, arm candy." 

"Is that all I am to you? Arm candy?" 

Kasey laughs, "Yep." 

Kelley laughs, "Get ready, and I'll let the girls know we are still a go. Do you want to pick them up?" 

"It'll be a tight fit in the backseat, but I'm sure they can manage."

"Is Jen going to be joining us as well?" 

Kasey shakes her head, "No, she was spending time with her family and some friends."   

New Message

KO: Shopping is a go. We'll be there shortly to pick you all up. 

Kriegs: Ash is hungry and wants to know if we can get something to eat. 

KO: Tell her yes; food is on the agenda. Kasey hasn't eaten since before the game and needs to refuel.

Kriegs: Okay, will do. See you soon. 

A short time later, they are all sitting in a restaurant and watching Kasey push food around her plate. 

"I'm not really hungry, Kel." 

"Too bad. You are eating, and we're all going to stay here until you do so. Got it?"  

"Yes, dear," Kasey says, earning a laugh from all members of the A-Team.

"You two already look and sound like a married couple. It's weird." 

Ali catches the look Kelley gives Kasey when Alex says it and can't help but smile at them. 

"So, now that we've all eaten, are we ready to get to shopping?" 

"Lead the way, Kriegs." 

The group checks out several stores, not finding anything that really speaks to them. 

"There's how many stores in the place? There should be at least one with some decent dresses in it." 

Ashlyn lets out a groan, "Something to say, Ash?" 


Kasey laughs. She can tell the keeper is getting tired of watching Ali and Alex looking over dresses. 

"We could always get you fit with a sexy suit, Wild; you seem like you could pull one-off." 

"Maybe if we don't find a dress soon Ash, I'll take you up on that idea."

Reaching another store, they walk in and look around; a few things catch their eyes, and Kelley grabs a couple of options to try on. 

Kasey hears Kelly and Alex laughing as she makes her way out of the changing area to show off the choice. 

Kasey looks over her girl from head to toe in the black number with cutouts down the side and catches her breath. 

"Judging by Kasey's reaction and lack of words, I would say that's a definite yes to the dress." 

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