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After making a quick stop at Kasey's room to pick up a few things for her evening out with Kelley and the OCAA Awards Banquet, the couple makes their way back down to the lobby. 

"I'll see the two of you shortly; KO, don't make her late!" Jen laughs as she says it. 

"We won't be late to the banquet Jen, but, we will, however, have to leave early so that Kelley is back before curfew." 

"Yeah same; Jessie has a curfew tonight as well." 

Kasey looks at her friend, "Jessie as in Jessie Fleming?" 

Jen smiles and nods, "Yeah, we've kinda been reconnecting since she arrived in Toronto. We already make plans to spend time together over the holidays as well." 

"I'm happy for you, Jen. I like Jessie." 

"Kase, car's waiting." Kelley approaches them, "Time to go. See you later, Sheridan." 

"Later, KO." 

"See you there Jen. Love ya." Kasey hugs her before following Kelley out to the waiting car that will take them back to the hotel where the USWNT is staying. 

Kelley slides her keycard in and opens the door, before kissing Kasey, "Finally we get some alone time." 

"Um, Kel maybe not quite alone."

Kelley looks behind her and finds Tobin and Alex laying on the bed together. 

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Alex and I wanted to watch a movie."

"And you couldn't do that in her room?"

"Ash and Ali are in my room, there was mention of Victoria's Secret so Tobs and I booked it out of there and came here." 

"Probably a good call. I don't think anyone on the team wants to be caught between the two of them." 

"I'm willing to bet that Ash is going to enjoy Ali's secret very much." 

"Ewww, no, Kase, you didn't!" Kelley playfully scrunches her face. 

"I did and aren't we all friends here?" 

"Not that kind of friend, Kase, even though I admit to having tried to get Alex to cross over to the other side once or twice." 

Tobin and Kasey both look at Alex as she buries her face under the covers. 

"Anyway, now, that Alex's face is back to normal colour, what movie are you watching?" 

"Pitch Perfect 2." 

"Do you mind if we join?" 

"Nope, as long as KO doesn't try and sing along." 

"No guarantees on that, I might have to join in when Flashlight comes on." 

"We've heard you sing, Wild and that's fine." 

Before she and Kelley get too comfortable on the bed, Kasey reaches over and sets an alarm on her phone, just in case they fall asleep. Kasey relaxes as Kelley runs her fingers through her hair. 

"It's nice to be able to finally run my fingers through your hair." 

"Feels so good, Kel. When I get home I need to book an appointment to get a trim, it's a little too long for my liking at the moment." 

"Please don't go as short as Ash did." 

Kasey laughs, "I happen to like Ash's hair and sleeve for that matter."  

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