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Kasey wakes up before the alarm goes off and smiles when she sees her freckled fiancée spread out on the bed beside her. Deciding it's well past time that she's awake, Kasey makes the bold choice to situate herself and separate Kelley's legs in order so that she can access the core of the woman that she's very much in love with. She swipes her tongue over the area and lets out a chuckle as Kelley emits of soft moan underneath her. Continuing to lap and suck away on the sensitive area, she teases the extremely wet area with her fingers before letting them enter, much, to the pleasure of Kelley who lets out a loud moan in response to being penetrated. Kasey increases the amount of pressure and feels her fingers being squeezed and Kelley letting out a moan as she finds her release.  

She allows Kelley's body to relax before withdrawing her fingers and then licking both them and Kelley clean as she makes her way back up to the top of the bed and lays down beside the woman saying more than any words could simply by looking and smiling at her. 

Kasey leans over and kisses Kelley on the lips, "Morning." 

"Morning, beautiful. Feel free to wake me up like that, anytime!" 

Kasey lets out a chuckle, "I couldn't resist; you just looked so damn appetizing laying there exposed to the world."

Kelley smiles and winks at her, "I'll have to remember that. Don't you need to get a move on?" 

Kasey nods, "Unfortunately, I have a training session soon. I need to grab a quick shower, dress and get something to eat before then. Why don't you catch a bit more sleep and I'll bring you some coffee and breakfast back with me?" 

"Mmmm, breakfast in bed. What more could a girl ask for?" Kelley looks over at Kasey and smiles, "Perhaps to have it delivered by a gorgeous, naked, woman." 

Kasey laughs, "Not gonna happen, today, at least."  

"So you're saying there's a chance?" 

Kasey laughs and shakes her head as she gathers what she needs before heading into the bathroom to get cleaned up. 

By the time she exits the bathroom, Kelley has already fallen back asleep and she can't help but smile at the way she is koala hugging Kasey's pillow. She quietly makes her way around the room and puts on her training gear and shoes, before collecting her phone, and keycard and heading out of the room. 

"Judging by the hair and pearly whites on display, it looks like someone had a good night." 

Kasey laughs at Angie's comment, "I just got out of the shower and didn't feel like doing my hair, I will before training and I had a really, good night." 

"Oh, we know; we heard the two of you out in the hallway." 

Kasey looks over at her two new friends, "We're we seriously that loud?" 

They both laugh and shake their heads, "Not, really. Stace was going to offer to finish cleaning up the graphics for your assignment last night before bed, but, we heard some familiar noise coming from your room before we knocked, so we decided it'd be better to leave you alone." 

"I appreciate that or well, I guess, we appreciate that."

Kasey settles in chatting with the group of players and eating until it's time to head up and get ready to head back to the stadium for training.

New Message

Kasey: You awake?

Kelley: Yeah. Just out of the shower and getting dressed. Please tell me you have food and coffee.

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