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With both the United States and Canada having already qualified for the upcoming World Cup by virtue of being the top two teams in the CONCACAF qualifying, today's match is more about maintaining bragging rights for the US being the #1 team in the world and also, taking home a pretty cool looking trophy. 

Kasey sits in the breakfast area by herself collecting her thoughts and doing her best to get some of the scrambled eggs into her system. 

"How are you feeling this morning, Kasey?" 

Kasey smiles, "I'm good; nervous, but, ready to play and win." 

Jill smiles and nods, "I'll expect that it will be a high tempo, rough one today. The Canadians as you know have a tendency of not being afraid to use their bodies to cut off angles and passes."

Kasey nods, "I know the game plan well." 

"Then you also know how fast and dangerous their attack can be; watch for turnovers and shots from distance. You don't need to worry about staying afterwards to get some work in, because, you'll be facing some shots today."  

"Got it." 

"Kasey, don't forget what we discussed in training. You've got the green light to launch a couple, and keep them guessing." 

Kasey chuckles, "I'll make sure to send a wakeup call in Labbe's direction. Although, I feel as though the way the team is playing it won't be necessary." 

Jill smiles, "Enjoy the remainder of your breakfast and we'll see at bus time." 

Kelley sits down beside her, "Everything okay? What did Jill want?" 

"She was just checking in, nothing big. Do you want some coffee? I'm going to top up." Kasey stands up. 

Kelley looks at her full cup, "I'm good. Perhaps, you should consider cutting back on it as well?" 

"I've only had ... 2, maybe 3 cups so far." 



Kelley shakes her head and can't help but laugh, because generally she's the one getting in trouble for stuff like drinking too much coffee on game days. "Babe, no more coffee; time for some water or maybe juice, okay?" 

Kasey nods, "Yeah, you're right. Being hopped up on caffeine along with all the adrenalyn flowing me right now probably isn't a good idea if I want to have steady heands later." 

Kelley smiles and nods, "Did you get to talk to Kylie before she left for school?" 

Kasey shakes her head, "No. I sent her a message that we'd give a call before game time to check in." 

"Sounds good. It's too bad that she couldn't be here for the game." 

"Yeah, well blame the schedule makers, who were cool with the idea of having the final game played on a Wednesday evening, rather than perhaps later in the week." 

"Someone's a little grumpy, perhaps we should head up to the room and I can help you with that." 

"Tell me that it doesn't bother you that Kylie isn't here?" 

"It does, but, she's already been given the green light to stay up a bit later tonight in order to watch the game and us lift a trophy together." 

"You seem confident about the outcome." 

Kelley smiles and stands wrapping her arms around her wife, "Why wouldn't I be? I mean the girls have been on fire and our keeper is smokin, so it only makes sense that we'll emerge the victors and then spend the rest of the night celebrating in our hotel room." Kelley kisses her cheek. "Love you, now, get some water, okay?" 

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