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Kelley opens her eyes and smiles, "Were you watching me sleep?" 

"And drool." 

Kelley instinctively reaches for her mouth and wipes it, drawing a chuckle from her new wife. 

"I'm still having difficulties with believing all of this is real and that we're married." 

Kelley places her hand on Kasey's face, "All of this is very real, we're married and I get to call you my wife. I love you, beautiful." 

They share a few kisses, touches and smiles. 

"Now, as your wife, I'm informing you that we still have a few hours before we need to be anywhere; so, how about you come here and let me hold you until the alarm goes off?" 

Kasey smiles and moves closer to Kelley in order to allow her to wrap her arms around her. 

The couple falls back asleep until the alarm on Kasey's phone sounds out to wake them up. 

Kelley wraps her arms around Kasey and pulls her in tight, kissing her forehead, "Let's just stay here." 

Kasey laughs, "As much as I'd like to say yes to that, we really should get up and ready for brunch."

"Who's crappy idea was it to have brunch with my fam, anyway?" 

"Umm, yours, because you wanted to be able to spend a bit of time with Jerry before he needed to head back out." 

"Right, gotta see the Bro-hara, before he catches some wings outta here. I still can't believe my parents managed to pull off getting him here for the ceremony."

Kasey smiles and nods, "It wouldn't have been the same without him here that's for sure. I'm really glad that your Dad's specialist appointment turned out to actually be him driving here with Buddy to surprise Kylie and me." 

"They were going to fly, but, the airlines were asking an exorbitant amount for him and all his accessories to make the trip; so, Dad offered just to drive instead." 

"He sure looked handsome in his tuxedo." 

Kelley laughs, "Yeah, he did. It was awesome to see Kylie's reaction towards him being here." 

"It was." Kasey lifts the covers off herself and gets out of bed before walking over to collect her toiletry bag from a suitcase. She looks back at Kelley who's watching her every move. "Are you planning on joining me in the shower?" 

"Yes, ma'am." Kelley gets out of bed and follows Kasey into the bathroom.

After some mild teasing and touching the couple manages to successfully separate themselves from each other long enough to get dressed and ready to go out. 

Kelley taps her lips with a big smile on her face, "Kisses for the Mrs.?" 

Kasey smiles and laughs, "Only a couple, we need to get a move on." 

Making their way into the restaurant to meet up with Kelley's family along with Kylie who spent the night with them, Kasey can't help but smile when she sees her daughter heavy in conversation with her Poppa D. 

"Morning everyone." 

"Good morning. They are making a fresh pot of coffee for us, it should be here momentarily." 

"Perfect. Thank you, Karen." 

Erin looks them over, "The two of you look like a walking Under Armour advertisement." 

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