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Beep ... beep ... beep

Kasey turns over and shuts the alarm off before turning back to face Kelley. 

"Morning, beautiful." 

Kasey smiles, "Morning." 

"How are you feeling?" Kelley looks at her with a guilty look.

"Kel, I'm fine; a little sore, but, nothing that I can't handle." 

"Are you sure? I mean, I'm sorry; I kinda got carried away last night." 

Kasey reaches over and moves the hair from Kelley's face, before placing her hand on her jaw and rubbing it, "I promise you; I'm fine. I didn't mind at the time and I don't mind now." Kasey looks a bit sheepish as she continues talking, "I really enjoyed what we did last night and I wouldn't mind if we did it again." 

Kelley chuckles, "Oh, so you're saying that you liked my big dick energy, Wild?" 

Kasey laughs, "I did, but, if you tell anyone; you'll be sleeping alone on the couch for the foreseeable future."

Kelley laughs and nods, "Don't worry, it'll never leave this room." 

"Speaking of this room, we need to get up and moving. Wanna join me for a quick shower before it's time to get Kylie up?" 

Kelley smiles, "Definitely." 

Once out of the shower, Kasey is stumped as to what she should be wearing to camp. "Kel?" 

"Yeah, Babe?" 

"I don't anything to wear. I left it all at the stadium, so the surprise wasn't spoiled." 

Kelley chuckles, "Don't worry, I always have extra clothing and if I don't have what you need, we can get you set up when we get to the stadium." 


While Kasey finishes getting dressed and making Kylie's breakfast and lunch, Kelley takes Buddy out for his walk before returning home to eat something with her wife and now, teammate. She smiles as she looks at Kasey talking to Kylie while rocking the US shield on her chest. 

After dropping Kylie to school, the couple make the drive to the stadium, where Kasey's arrival is met by a group of Courage and stadium employees cheering. Kelley leans over, "You okay?" 

Kasey smiles and nods, "I am and this is alot milder than the messages that Jen has left on my phone this morning. I probably should have clued her in on the plan rather than letting her find out second or third hand." 

Kelley chuckles, "She'll get over it." 

"Oh don't worry, she already asked about tickets for the games and if she can borrow our couch." 

"Sounds about right." 

"I'm glad that Jill allowed for us to stay at home and not the hotel with the team. I explained to her that I didn't feel comfortable moving Kylie into a hotel room, nor, did we have someone that could stay with her for a couple of days until Mom arrives." 

"They're generally a bit more lenient on players that are local." 

"I need to stop at the kit room and get my stuff, I meet you in the changeroom."

Kelley smiles and nods, "Hey, Kase?" 

Kasey turns back, "Yeah?" 

"I love you." 

"Love you, too."  

After receiving her stack of clothing, Kasey makes her way towards the very familiar changeroom and stall, where she completes the necessary clothing swaps. 

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