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As the alarm sounds out and Kasey reaches over to make it stop, Kelley isn't ready to let go of her just yet.

She kisses down Kasey's neck and shoulder, "Don't suppose I can convince you to call in sick?"

Kasey lets out a chuckle and turns over to face Kelley, moving some loose hair away from her face before kissing her. "It's the first day that the kids will be back and I need to be there to support them; it was a pretty traumatizing experience for them and myself as well. We need each other to be able to process and move forward."

"I guess, I get that. Just promise me that you'll be extra careful from now on."

"Kel, look at me, please." Kasey places her hand on the side of Kelley's face. "This is the last time I'm going to say this; what happened was a fluke and will never happen again. I am fine and will be fine. Don't think I'm going to let anything happen to myself before I get the chance to say I do. I love you, Kel and I'm looking forward to planning our life together." Kasey leans over and kisses Kelley holding her lips in place before moving back and smiling at the defender. "I need to jump in the shower and start getting ready, you're more than welcome to join me." Kasey smiles as she moves away from Kelley and climbs out of the bed.

"You're going to need to get a move on as well because I seem to recall we only have one vehicle."

Kelley rolls over on her back and lets out a groan as Kasey laughs before making her way into the bathroom to grab a shower. She's surprised by the fact that Kelley doesn't join her under the water and once she's finished wraps a towel around herself and sticks her head out in the room, where she finds Kelley looking at her phone.

"I thought you would join me."

Kelley looks over at her and smiles as Kasey drops the towel and walks naked past her and over to her bag.

"Sorry, beautiful; I went ahead and ordered us some breakfast, then put on some clothes. I figured that if I joined you afterwards, we'd both get distracted and not get cleaned up. Plus, it wouldn't be appropriate to answer the door naked or in a bathrobe."

Kasey laughs, "Why do I feel like there's a story behind that rationale?"

Kelley smiles and laughs, "Perhaps, but, how about we save it for another day?"

Kasey shakes her head, "No way, spill the deets, O'Hara."

"I don't remember exactly what happened because the girls and I were drinking and celebrating after winning the World Cup. All I remember is being drunk and answering the door naked for room service. I really don't think the guy minded the scenery, but, word got back to Jill pretty quickly and we all got a pretty stern talking to about maintaining professionality at all times."

Kasey bursts out laughing and continues to laugh while she puts her clothes on.

"Lots to learn about you still, huh, Kel?"

Kelley smiles, "I'm sure you still have a few things in your closet as well, Wild."

"Pretty sure I already came out of the closet for you, Babe; but, yeah, there might be a few things still hidden in the back corner."

Kasey collects what she needs from her bag and heads back into the bathroom to finish putting on some makeup and ensure that her hair is all styled up and messy. She hears a knock on the door and then Kelley talking before the door closes.

"Food is here, Babe."

"I'll be right out, Kel."

As they sit down and enjoy their breakfast, juice and coffees the two smile and chat.

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