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Kasey is laying in bed; she knows the alarm will be going off soon, but she wants a few minutes to watch the beautiful woman beside her sleep. She smiles as she reaches over and moves a strand of hair off of Kelley's face. Looking over to the other side of the room, she sees her Mom and Kylie still out cold as well.

It's gameday, and she's feeling the butterflies inside her already. She tried to fall back asleep for a bit longer, but it wasn't happening, and instead, she decided to lay in bed and focus on her breathing and do some visualizations.

Beep ... beep ... beep

"You gonna get that, Kase, or you going to keep watching me?"

Kasey laughs before reaching over and shutting the alarm off.

"How did you know I was watching you?"

"It was just a guess. How are you feeling this morning?" Kelley smiles at her with the soft, gentle eyes that make Kasey's heartbeat out of her chest filled with love for the defender.

"I'm ok, as long as I don't spend too much time thinking about stuff."

"Get some clothes on; we are going out," Kelley says as she leaves the bed to get her bag of stuff.

"Exactly where are we going, Kel? I can't be gone long."

"We are going to go to get some breakfast and then go for a walk. Don't worry; I'm not kidnapping you, Wild Thing, that is unless you want me to?" Kelley gives Kasey a side smile and look, causing her to laugh.

Kasey gets up, puts on some sweats and then heads into the bathroom to make herself presentable for the public.

"We will be back in a little while, Mom."

"Take your time Kase, Kylie and I are enjoying the cartoons."

Once Kelley and Kasey enter the lobby for breakfast, they see some of the Limestone players already gathered, and eating and Kasey begins to feel a bit anxious.

Kelley touches her arm, "How about you grab us each a coffee, and I'll look after getting us something to eat."

Kasey nods, "I can do that."

She makes her way over and waits to be able to use the coffee machine that contains flavoured water with a touch of coffee grinds. Preparing two cups with a little extra sugar in hers and soy milk, she finds a table off to the side and takes a seat waiting for Kelley.

Kelley soon joins her with plates full of eggs, oatmeal and fruit, "I wasn't sure what you would feel like."

"None of the above, but I know that I have to eat. Thanks, Kel."

Kelley takes a mouthful of coffee and makes a face causing Kasey to burst out laughing, "This is horrible!"

Kasey nods as she continues to laugh and attempt to use a plastic fork to stab a blueberry.

As the two are chatting and eating, one of the Limestone players approaches the table. Kasey recognizes her as the Captain of the opposition and prepares herself for some trash talk if necessary.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if perhaps I could get a picture with you, Kelley and perhaps an autograph as well?"

Kelley looks over at Kasey, who nods that she's okay with it. Kelley smiles as the picture is taken and then takes the pen and paper from her asking her name. "Aimee Drouin."

Kasey looks up at her, "Drouin as in the second-leading goal scorer this season?"

The Lions player smiles and nods, "I could have been first had you not decided to go out and score a hat trick in the last game of the season."

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