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Kasey opens her eyes and can't help but smile at the sight of the freckled woman sleeping beside her. How did I get so lucky she wonders? She lays there watching and listening to the ever-so-slight snores coming from her girlfriend for a while before deciding to get up and relieve the pressure she is feeling in her bladder. Slowly, she moves away from the warmth and gets out of bed, stopping to grab a t-shirt and some shorts before heading into the washroom to do what she needs to do. After checking on Kylie, she walks into the kitchen and decides to make some coffee.

Not wanting to wake anyone just yet, she decides to take her coffee over to the table and use the time to start editing the pictures that the group took of her last night. Looking through them more closely she sees images of all of the smiling and laughing that took place and thinks back to the conversation she and Kelley had about having fun. It was definitely fun last night and she can't wait to spend more time with the women that are now in her life. Damn, I'm getting sappy she thinks, need to stop before the tears come out to play. Oh no, that usually means ... crap! 

Grabbing some earbuds, she plugs them in and opens up one of her playlists then gets to work on editing the photos. Once she is satisfied with the editing, she fires off an email to Ash explaining the photos and then sends them on for her opinion.

Noticing that her cup is now empty, Kasey decides that it wouldn't hurt to grab another and heads back to the kitchen to refill it. Hearing movement and feeling arms wrap around her, she leans back and allows the embrace to tighten. 

Lips touch her shoulder, "Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?" 

Kasey smiles, "Really, well; then again, I always sleep well when I'm with you." 

"Me too." 

"Do you want a coffee?" 

"Mmmm, yes, please." 

"There's Almond Milk in the fridge if you want to grab it; I know you prefer it to the regular stuff." 

"Thank you." Kelley kisses her shoulder once more before separating and moving towards the fridge to grab the carton. 

They both stand in silence while enjoying a few mouthfuls of the hot drink. 

"So, good!" 

Kasey smiles, "I sent the edited pictures on to Ash already, do you want to see them? I can hook my laptop back up to the TV or we can just look on the screen." 

Kelley leans into Kasey and kisses her lips gently, smiling as she does so, "Last night was fun, in more ways than one."

"It definitely was, but, I think mother nature has other plans for me for the next several days."  

"That's fine, we can still have fun in other ways." 

"Get your mind out of the gutter, O'Hara and check out the screen." 

Kelley looks at the television screen, "You're so beautiful, Kase. I don't know that I can even pick a favourite amongst them, although, I kinda like the closeup of you that you converted to black and white. Can you send them to me?" 

Kasey nods, "There are a few on there of Kylie and you as well that I'll edit after. When I was going through them, I thought the background was busy in some or they weren't centred to my liking, so I went ahead and cropped them down and then muted the colours in order to make the shirts stand out more. I'll send them to you once I'm done with everything." 

"Sounds good. So, what's on tap for today?" 

"We're in charge of creating some side dishes, any ideas?" 

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