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"KO, what's up with the wifey? We asked if she wanted to join us for lunch and she shook her head and kept right on walking." 

"Just leave her alone, Ash; she's in a mood." 

"What's going on?" 

"Not for me to say." 

Ashlyn nods, "Okay, well, you know where we're at if there's anything that either Ali or I can do to help." 

"Thanks. See you later." 

Kelley lets herself into the hotel room and finds Kasey pacing back and forth while talking to someone on the phone. She sits on the end of the bed and waits for her wife to take notice of her before saying anything. 

"Okay, bye." Kasey tosses her phone on the bed and walks into Kelley's arms. 

"Talk to me; what's going on, beautiful?" 

Kelley starts massaging Kasey's tense neck and shoulder muscles and the keeper lets out a groan, causing Kelley to chuckle. 

"Sorry for being a bitch." 

"It's okay. Let me guess they aren't backing off." 

Kasey shakes her head, "There's only so much extra training and watching video I can do, I don't know how else to convince Jill to let me start against Spain." 

"Have you tried talking to her about it?" 

"And tell her what exactly? I need to start because my label has invested millions into my brand and if I'm on the bench it hurts their bottom line. I fucking hate being Kasey "Wild Thing" Wild sometimes, you know? Everything is about them and how much money I put in their pockets; I'm a fucking puppet and they're pulling the strings to make me dance." 

Kelley smiles, "Say fucking, again." 

Kasey turns and looks at her, "And what are you going to do about it, if I do?" 

"This." Kelley pulls her in and kisses her. "You know it turns me on seeing you get all hot and bothered." 

"Anything and everything gets you hot and bothered, Babe." 

"That's especially true when it comes to anything to do with you. So, what are our plans for this afternoon?" 

"I'm not sure about you, but, I already went ahead and made plans to do some training."

"Don't you think you've already done enough for today?" 

"Would you rather I sit around poolside or shop instead? Because, neither of those are going to get me back in the starting 11 and I happen to know that Jill will be checking in on a couple of the girls who are working their way back to fitness this afternoon and it won't hurt to have a keeper available for target practice and working on some distribution and build up. I want to remind everyone that I'm capable of being more than just a pretty face out there." 

"Why do I feel like if you could pull it off, you'd tie me to a chair on put on my uni to play?" 

Kasey bursts out laughing, "You don't think the fact that you're suddenly taller, have less freckles, different coloured eyes and hair would give it away? Not to mention I can't whip a ball into the box like you." 

"Do you have anyone who can hook you up with a wig?" 

"Are we sneaking me out?" 

"I was thinking that perhaps we could have a little fun with the girls and staff." 

Kasey looks at her, "What type of fun?" 

"You obviously can't pull off dressing like me, but, you and Alex have some similar attributes; how about we dress you up as her with the ball cap and big ass glasses she's been wearing this week and record the reactions? It'll be something fresh to post to the socials."

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