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It's now Tuesday morning and Kasey is currently making the drive downtown to the offices of Soccer Canada. 

Pulling to a stop at in an open spot along the curb, she locates the parking machine and pays for an hour's worth of parking time before then checking herself over in the car mirror and making the walk a couple of blocks down to the building. 

She checks the time on her phone, it's exactly 10:55 and her appointment is at 11:00. She turns the ringer off on her phone before sliding it back into her pocket and making her way up the walkway and into the building.

Entering the building, she speaks with the woman behind the desk and lets her know who she is and that she has an appointment with John Herdman. The receptionist smiles, "Word travels fast around here and everyone is excited about the possibility of you joining the organization." 

Kasey smiles, "It's not a done deal, yet." 

Her phone buzzes and she answers, "Yes Sir; I'll send her your way." 

"They are waiting for you in the conference room. If you follow this hallway it's at the very end on the left." 

"Thank you."

Kasey wonders who exactly "they" are as she walks down the hall towards the room and knocks on the door. 

The door opens and John greets her, "Good morning, Kasey; thank you for being prompt." 


Kasey follows him inside and is then introduced to Kenneth Heiner-Møller the Assistant Coach of the Canadian Women's National Team and rumoured Herdman successor. 

"Nice to meet you." 

"Kasey, please have a seat." 

Kasey sits down at the table opposite the two coaches. 

"Thank you for meeting with us today, Kasey. As you are no doubt aware we are actively searching for an additional goalkeeper for added depth in our program and we feel that it could possibly be you. Our concern, however, is that you really haven't shown enough for us to accurately gauge your true abilities in goal. We would like to see you focus on being a goalkeeper and not a field player anymore."

Kasey nods, "That's fair. I can definitely do that." 

"Also, we recommend that you into finding a better quality team and league to play in and for rather than just Capital City." 

Kasey listens and nods along even though she isn't really on board with possibly leaving 3C. 

"Now, as far as when the team is in camp, playing and or on tour, you would be required to take part and travel should you receive an invitation. There will be no guarantees when or if you'll play in a game as like everyone else you'll have to earn that honour by working hard."

Kasey nods, "I understand and I know that I would be starting at the bottom and needing to work my way up." 

John passes a manilla envelope over to her, "This is a standard player agreement package, it outlines all expectations and requirements. I suggest that you read the contents and then get back to me with any questions and or concerns you may have afterward. Just as a reminder, although, it may now be off-season for you, we never stop working and the sooner we have a commitment from you, the sooner we can develop an individualized program for you."

"I understand." Kasey stands up and reaches over to shake their hands. 

"One last thing, Kasey, we do have a couple of other players that we are looking at to possibly fill in the gap and it's extremely important that we get a response from you as soon as possible." 

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