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The next morning Kasey is awake long before her alarm goes off and decides to just lay in her bed and process things a little before getting up.  

Deciding it's past time to get up she heads into the bathroom to complete her morning routine before then heading out to the kitchen to make herself some coffee and something to eat. 

As she settles in in front of the television to watch one of the morning news shows her phone starts ringing and startles her. She picks it up and vaguely recognizes the number on the screen. 


"Hi, Kasey, it's Amber, sorry for calling so early. I'm just returning your call about scheduling an appointment." 

"Hi Amber; yeah, I was hoping to get in today if possible or early tomorrow."

"Let me check my schedule. Are we going to be just cutting or colouring?" 


"Okay, I have an opening in an hour, will that work for you?" 

"That would be perfect! I'll see you then."

New Message

Kelley: Morning, beautiful. I hope this message doesn't wake you. We're getting an early start on the day. I'll let you know when we reach my apartment. Hope you have a good day. Love you. 

Wild Thing: Heading to a hair appointment soon and then supposed to meet Jen at the Passport office a bit later provided she isn't completely hungover. I work from 3 until closing, so I should be home a bit after 9. Drive safe. Love you all.

Kasey heads in to grab a quick shower and make herself presentable to be seen in public before loading up her bag with some snacks and drink, collecting everything she needs for the day and then making her way to the hair salon. 

Arriving a few minutes early Kasey feels her phone vibrate and pulls it out to look at the screen. She can't help but smile when she sees the picture there. 

New Picture Message

Erin: Hey, Kasey, I snapped this last night. Thought it was super cute. 

(Insert picture of Kasey and Kylie sleeping together here.)

Kasey: I love it! Thank you!

She stares at the picture and her smile grows wider. 

"Morning, Kasey." 

"Morning. Thanks for squeezing me in. I need you to work your magic as you can see, I'm a bit overdue for a trim."

Amber laughs, "Just a little. So, are we going back to purple or changing it up?" 

"I like the purple, but, I'm feeling the need to change it up a bit. Any suggestions?" 

"What about Patriot Blue? I have a feeling that it would make your eyes pop." 

Kasey nods, "Alright, I'm putty in your hands." 

"Let's get started then." 

As Kasey sits and waits for the colour to take, she plays on her phone. 

New Message

Kelley: How does your daughter know so much about U.S. colleges?

Wild Thing: She plans on getting a soccer scholarship; so she has been researching where she wants to go.

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