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Kasey wakes up and is momentarily disoriented as to where she is before noticing some pictures of little Kelley O'Hara smiling from cheek to cheek while chasing a soccer ball. She smiles as she thinks about where she is and who she is therewith. 

Turning over, she watches and listens to Kelley's shallow breathing as her girlfriend continues to sleep beside her. She decides to do something about it and hopefully wake her girlfriend up with a smile on her face. 

Sliding under the covers, she begins placing kisses on Kelley's muscled body as she makes her way down and between her legs. Separating them, Kasey continues to kisses her way up and runs her tongue over the area, already beginning to show signs of moisture.  

She hears a low moan as she continues to explore the area with her mouth and tongue before taking time to tease nerve central with her teeth and tongue. As the moans pick up underneath her, Kasey shows greater attention to the entire area before plunging her tongue in and out of the American's hole while continuing to apply pressure to nerve central. 

Kelley lifts her body and reaches her hand down to guide Kasey to where she needs her most at that moment. Kasey, sensing that Kelley is getting close, picks up her movement and feels the muscles around her tongue begin to spasm and ripple around her as Kelley lets out a loan moan while her climax pulses through her. 

Once she feels Kelley relaxing around her, Kasey makes her way up to the top of the bed, where Kelley pulls her into a deep kiss, and their tongues dance with each other until the need for air overtakes them, and they separate. 

Kasey lays her head down on Kelley's chest, listening to Kelley's heart race and smiling, knowing that she caused that. 

"Morning, sexy." 

Kelley lets out a laugh, "Sexy, huh?" 

Kasey lifts her head to look Kelley square in the eyes and smiles, "Yeah, it's hella sexy watching you fall apart under me." 

Kelley lets out a laugh and licks her lips, "I would definitely be more of a morning person if that were my regular wake-up call." 

Kasey winks at her, "Perhaps we can arrange that once we get home." 

"Something to look forward to." 

"I hope so." 

Kasey allows herself to be held in Kelley's arms as the defender kisses the top of her head. 

"What are our plans for today, Kel?" 

"I didn't schedule or plan anything for today; I thought that we would just hang with the fam. I did, however, make arrangements to take Kylie horseback riding tomorrow." 

"She's going to love that, thank you, for doing that for her." 

"It wasn't just for her; I like riding horses, as does Erin, so we're all going together." 

"Do you think that we can go for a run, Kel? I feel like I've really been slacking lately in my workouts." 

"That's kinda the idea of a vacation, Kase; to slack off. But, if you want to, we can definitely go for a run. Do you want to get changed, and we can head out now before breakfast?" 

Kasey nods, "Yeah, it's still pretty early, and I'm sure that Kylie won't be awake yet." 

"You do realize us going for a run involves getting out of this nice, warm, comfy bed, right?" 

"Unfortunately, I do." 

They both let out moans as they get up and out of bed and make their way to their suitcases to pick out some running attire. They each then take a turn in the bathroom to make themselves presentable before heading downstairs, but not before checking in to ensure that the family's youngest member is still in dreamland. 

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