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Kasey turns over to stop the beeping before then turning back to look at her fiancée and smiling. 

"Kel, it's time to get up." 

Kelley opens her eyes and grins before reaching for Kasey's hips and pulling her towards her. She kisses Kasey's collarbone, "I don't want to get up yet." 

Kasey chuckles, "Me neither, but we need to get ready for the airport."

"I'm already packed." 

Kasey laughs, "Sure you are. That's why your bag is open on the chair and clothes thrown on the arms of it." 

"I was just laying out my possible options for today." 

"Fairly certain we already agreed on what we were both wearing as we're going to be heading right to Kylie's game." 

"Fine. You got me. Now can I have a kiss?" Kelley gives the grin that she knows makes Kasey melt. 

"One kiss, and then we both get up." 

Kelley touches their lips together, "Mmmaybe."

They share a few more kisses before Kasey climbs out of the bed, collects what she needs and proceeds to head into the bathroom to get dressed and cleaned up. Returning to the bedroom, she finds that Kelley hasn't moved from her original spot.  

"Kel, you need to get a move on. I'm all packed. I'm heading to the kitchen to get some coffee. Don't fall back asleep, or I'm sending Logan up to wake you with kisses." 

"No horse kisses; I much prefer Wild ones." 

Kasey rolls her eyes and shakes her head before leaving the room, bags in hand. 

Kelley knowing that if she doesn't get a move on that, she'll be sleeping on the couch when they get home, gets out of the bed and makes quick work of dressing, getting cleaned up and packing up.  

Kasey places her bags by the door and then makes her way to the kitchen, where Ash and Ali are chatting. 

"Morning. "Morning, guys." 

Nice shirt, Wild."

Kasey smiles as she looks at her purple Coach shirt. "Kylie has a game this afternoon. I really hope that our flights run on time, so we're not late."  

They hear a squeak as someone steps on one of Logan's toys, and Kelley appears in the kitchen. 

"Look who finally decided to join us. Don't the two of you look cute in your matching shirts." 

"Shut up, Ash." 

The Pride goalkeeper laughs, "Coffee?" 


"Umm, where's Jen?" 

"She volunteered to take Logan out for a walk. Should be back soon." 

"Oh, okay. I thought she might still be sleeping and need a wake-up. Kel, do you think that you and Ash are capable of bringing our bags out to the car without incident?" 

Kelley looks at Kasey and nods, "We got it covered, let's go, Harris." 

"What's on your mind, Kase?" 

Kasey looks at Ali, "How'd you know there was something on my mind?" 

Ali looks at, "You don't have a very good poker face, so what is it?" 

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