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Kasey arrives home and sits down with a cup of tea and a snack. Looking at her phone, she's shocked to see the number of messages on it from Kelley and Jen and a few others. Figuring it to be important, she calls Kelley. 

Ring ... ring ... ring


"Yeah, what's wrong, Kel? Are you okay?" 

"What do you mean am I okay? Haven't you seen the article?" 

"What article? And, no, I haven't looked at my phone until now." 

"Babe, there's a story about you on a 3C Blogsite. I don't think it's through the school, but I'm not sure. Hold on. I'll send you the link; check your email." 

Kasey opens up the link and begins reading the story, "So far, so good, why would I be upset with it?" 

"Read the entire story, Kase, and you'll understand why." 

Kasey continues reading and gets to the bottom of the story, letting out a loud, "SHIT!"

"My thoughts exactly. So, what are we going to do about it?" 

"I'm going to contact the school and request that the story is removed immediately and for the asshole who wrote it to be banned from any further pieces. I didn't get a good feeling when he was questioning me, and Jen told me that they were asking her questions about us. I think that he was looking to slander me all along. He probably has a small dick, and it makes him feel like a man to take it out on women." 

Kelley lets out a laugh at the last comment. "Kase, you know that it's not going to be as easy as hitting the delete button to make it go away, right?" 

"I do, and honestly, Kylie and my Mom are onboard with our relationship, and they are the only ones whose opinion matters to me. We can continue to hide or downplay our relationship, or we can own the narrative of it. Personally, I'm done hiding, I love you, and I want to be able to touch you in public without being concerned about the ramifications. I want to be able to scream it from the rooftops that you are mine and that I love you."   

"Scream it from the rooftops, huh? Aren't you afraid of heights?" 

Kasey laughs, "Well, yeah, but that's beside the point, and you know it, O'Hara." 

"How are you going to approach the other stuff like your placement, school and work? I mean, I'm fairly certain that some people aren't going to be receptive to you and our relationship." 

"Who I love doesn't change the person I am, and if they can't accept that, then I don't need them in my life."

"So, we're doing this then? No more hiding? Because honestly, Babe, some of your recent Instagram pics have been thirst traps, and well, I'd like to go back and comment on them." 

"Oh my God, only you, Kel. I figured we could post a pic together and confirm that we are together." 

"Thought that would make you laugh, and I'm fine with that idea." 

"It did. Now that we aren't going to hide anymore, I have a very serious question to ask you -- will you be my plus one for the OCAA Awards Banquet? It'll be on Saturday evening in Toronto and shouldn't interfere with your training."

"Plus one, forever, beautiful. I'm sure Alex and Ali will have fun dressing me and maybe you for it."  

"Speaking of Ali, have you spoken with her and Ash about our visit?" 

"I did, and everything is taken care of. Also, I had Ali go ahead and get tickets to the Animal Kingdom for all of us. They have elephants there, and I know how much you love them. Make sure to bring your camera along."  

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