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Kasey woke up the next morning with her room engulfed in daylight. She rolled over and collected her phone; looking at the screen and seeing the time was already 9:30, she jumped out of her bed and yelled out Kylie's name in an attempt to wake her daughter up.

Hearing no noise or a response from Kylie's room, she went there only to find an empty bed and all of Kylie's school stuff missing.

Unsure of what was going on, she made her way out to the kitchen and living room, finding a note placed atop her laptop,

"We thought you could use some extra sleep. I made Kylie a lunch and delivered her to school. We'll see you at the game.

Love Mom

P.S. Kelley seems nice."

After Kasey calmed down, knowing that her daughter was safe and that she was okay to chill out for a bit, she headed into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and decide how to spend her suddenly open morning.

She was current on all her assignments, finishing off her paper and submitting it the previous evening. She decided to allow herself to indulge in a couple of episodes of Orange Is The New Black before then getting ready for class and the big game.

Getting comfy on the couch with her coffee in hand, she logged on and hit the play button to resume where she had last left off.

A short time later, she was eating her breakfast when her phone buzzed. She assumed it to be Jen but was surprised instead by Kelley's message.

New Message:

Kelley: Good morning

Kasey: Morning, Kel

Kelley: Whatcha up to?

Kasey: Watching OITNB

Kelley: Lol, not what I expected you to say. No classes this morning?

Kasey: Not until a bit later. I think that I'm gonna skip my last one today to prep for the game

Kelley: Probably a good plan. How are you feeling about it? Nervous?

Kasey: Yeah.

Kelley: I have some time before I need to be at practice. Would you like to meet me for a coffee and or breakfast?

Kasey: I don't know, it'd be cutting into my Alex and Piper time, but I guess so. Do you know where the Tim's is on the Capital City campus?

Kelley: No. But I'm sure I can find it.

Kasey: Okay. How about we meet up there in about an hour.

Kelley: It's a date! See you then.

Kasey: See you then. I'm looking forward to it.

Kelley: Me too.

"What's with the smile, KO?" Tobin asked her US teammate and roommate for the trip.

"I'm meeting Kasey for coffee," Kelley responded as she dug out some clothes to put on.

"So, I take it things between the two of you went well last night?"

"Yeah, we went back to her place, had supper, talked, I met her Mom, I played FIFA with her daughter, and we kissed." Kelley's face lit up as she said the last part.

"Kissed? Anything else?" Tobin continues to ask the questions she knew her teammates would want to be answered, and also, she was curious to know herself.

"No, I showered, and she lent me some clothes to put on. I need to get a move on, I don't want to be late."

Kelley headed into the bathroom to get changed for her coffee "date" with Kasey. Reluctantly, she shed Kasey's clothing in favour of some jeans, a t-shirt and a beanie for the outing. She also made sure her go-bag was packed and ready for practice. As she would be heading directly there afterward. She placed Kasey's shirt on her bed, as she planned to wear it later.

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