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It was two hours before game time, and the stadium and parking lot were already filling up.

Kasey followed the directions of the parking attendant to the player's lot and parked her car. Climbing out, she collected her bag from the trunk before shutting it and beginning the walk towards the entrance. 

A bus pulled up to a stop in front of the doors. Kasey noted the large Lion and Lioness painted on the side of it as she watched the Limestone players disembark, and then make their way through the doors to a series of corridors underneath the facility that led to the change rooms, field and other areas of importance. 

Once the bus pulled away Kasey finished making the walk towards the same doors but stopped when she heard her name being called out. Turning around she smiled when a young girl not much younger than Kylie approached her and stared at her. 

Kasey smiled and bent down, "Hey, what's your name?" 


"What a beautiful name. Where are your parents, Bella?" 

The young girl pointed to a couple who were walking towards them. "I'm really sorry, she saw you and took off running."

"It's okay, happens to the best of us. Are you guys Capital City fans?" 

"Yeah, we both graduated from 3C. Would it be an imposition to get a picture taken with you, Kasey? If you can't already tell, Bella is a big fan of yours. She's watched all of your videos numerous times and wants to be just like you when she gets older."

Kasey smiled noting the #5 painted on both of the young girl's cheeks. "Of course, but only if you promise to cheer really loud, so I can hear you, okay, Bella?" 

Bella smiled and nodded and they posed together for a couple of pictures before Kasey also signed the game program for her. 

"Thank you so much, Kasey; Good luck, today."

"Thank you for the support. Bye, Bella." Kasey gave the young girl a wave as she walked away from her.   

The security guard smiled as she approached having witnessed the encounter between her and Bella. 

"Good luck, today." 

"Thank you." 

Kasey followed the signage towards the changeroom, stopping along the way to take in some of the pictures that covered the walls of the storied stadium. Many of the names she knew from when she was younger and used to attend football and soccer games there along with a few other events. Much happier times in the Wild household, cheering alongside her parents for the home team. She continued walking down the hallway and entered the designated team change room.  

Looking around the room, she saw the team photos are screwed into the wall above the lockers and smiled. She looked around until she found the stall where the equipment team had already hung up her green #5 Crusaders jersey, with the matching shorts and socks folded neatly underneath and the Captain's armband atop the pile waiting to be placed on her arm. 

On the opposite side of the stall was a black goalkeeper kit with her name and number on the back. Setting down her bag, Kasey removed her underwear, cleats and gloves from it and placed them in their spots within the stall and on the floor in front of it. 

She walked down the hall to the trainer's room and asked about Christina's ankle. The trainer informed her that the backup keeper was unable to put weight on it and that she wasn't cleared to play nor even dress for the game. The plan was for her to get a scan done the following day and then determine if she was going to be out for an extended period of time.  

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