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The next day, Kasey, Angie and Buddy arrive at stadium. Opening the back door of the car, Kasey can't help but laugh at the sight of Buddy wearing his own customized Courage jersey. 

"Let's go, Bud; we got some work to do." 

Buddy runs around the changeroom checking in with all the players and staff while they get dressed and ready for training. 

Kasey finishes getting dressed and calls him over, putting the leash back on so that they can walk out to the field together. 

While Buddy is entertained on the touchline, the players go through their warmups together before being called in. 

"Alright, bring it in. As you've already noticed we have a new teammate today, give it up for Buddy Wild." 

The girls hoot and holler as Buddy barks and wags his tail excitedly, causing them all to laugh. 

"The staff and I noticed during our last session a lack of communication between players, so, we're going to have a bit of fun working on developing that as well as a few other things today. First up - we're going to split you all into groups and play Buddy in the middle. Yes, it's a take on monkey in the middle with a twist. Each group will either have Buddy or a staff member in the middle and you will be required to call out your passes. If you don't, or if the pass is intercepted; both you and the intended recipient owe 10 push -ups. Also, the passes need to be along the ground, if they leave the ground you owe 20 push-ups. Does everyone understand?" 

"Yes, Coach."  

Kasey reaches down to pet Buddy before removing his leash, "Get the ball, Buddy!" Buddy lets out an excited bark before running towards HAO who currently has a ball at her feet. As Buddy comes closer, HAO passes to Mewis, but, in the process forgets to call out and both players drop down and complete the designated amount of push-ups. They continue playing the game until most of the players have had to do atleast one set of push-ups, Kasey included. As Buddy drops down needing a break from running, they call a water break for all and a staff member pours out some for Buddy in a dish that Kasey can only assume they stole from a concession stand. 

"Communication is key, ladies, and we aren't talking to each other enough on the pitch. Grab some water and we'll get set up for the next task." 

Kasey sits down to have a drink and then lays back to catch some sun. Seeing his owner laying down, Buddy comes running and starts licking her, causing Kasey to burst out laughing along with the rest of the players and staff, "Buddy, no! No, licking! You're all wet!" Kasey sits up and hugs him, holding him as a camera in the distance captures the moments. Buddy heads back towards where Angie is sitting on the bench and decides it's a good time to curl up for a nap. 

"Everyone grab a partner, keepers together." The players partner off and each pair is handed a blindfold. "We are going to play a game of blindfolded soccer. One partner will wear the blindfold while the other, directs them. Players will link arms and must remain attached to each other at all times. Now, keepers, you are all going in blindfolded and will have a staff member directing your movements. Does everyone understand?" 

"Yes, Coach." 

Once the game starts, the players realize exactly how difficult it is working together and how much they really do need guidance and to listen carefully to their partner's instructions in order to participate. The initial reaction is for the seeing partner to just try and drag along the blindfolded one and play the ball, but, they soon realize that in order to be able to move more freely they need to communicate with each other. 

In order to allow the keepers to participate, the playing area has been shortened and smaller nets have taken the place of the regulation ones. Kasey finds herself matched up with Nathan and as much as she does her best to cue into his voice and directions, she can tell based on the sounds around her that she's let in atleast 3 goals if not more. The whistle sounds out and the partners swap out places with the once blindfolded partner now being the seeing one. 

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