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"Get up, Wild; don't make me dump this water bottle on you." 

Kasey turns over and laughs at her roommate, "You wouldn't." 

Heather smiles, "I would and if you don't believe me, ask your wife." 

"Can I just have five more minutes?"

"You can have however long it takes me to brush my teeth and wash up." 

"Deal!" Kasey puts her head back on the pillow and closes her eyes.

Kasey honours the deal and slowly gets up from her bed once her roommate has finished using the bathroom. 

"You okay, Kase?" 

Kasey nods and yawns, "I'm just tired. Once I get my finals over with, I should be good to go."

"Hope so. Maybe you should ask that Katelyn gets the start today."  

Kasey shakes her head, "Not a chance! This is the first time I'm getting to play against Jen and nothing is going to prevent me from bringing my A game tonight against Sky Blue. I'll be fine after doing some yoga and meditation along with a nap. Now, let's go because I'm hungry!" 

Heather laughs, "By the way KO called last night. I let her know you were asleep and she told me not to wake you." 

"Okay. I'll give her a call shortly."  

The two players join their teammates for breakfast and a quick gab session. 

Returning to the room, Kasey looks over at her stash of school stuff. "Don't even think about touching that right now; you need to focus on our game, not, whatever is in those notes." 

Kasey nods, "That's fair. I promise that I won't. I'm going to do some guided meditation and then some yoga to loosen up and get re-centred." 

"And I'm going to make myself scarce while you do that. Be back at nap time." 

"Sounds good." 

Kasey lays out a towel on the floor and makes herself comfortable before finding a half hour guided meditation to listen and follow along with. Once that's done she can already feel the difference in her energy and concentration level and turns her focus to doing some simple yoga poses to balance herself before then heading out to grab something to eat for lunch and plenty of water and fluids to drink. 

Ring ... ring

"Hey beautiful; were your ears burning? I was just thinking about calling you." 

Kasey chuckles, "Great minds think a like." 

"And fools seldom differ." 

Kasey laughs, "How are you, Babe?" 

"Fine. I'm more concerned about how you're doing." 

"I'm fine, Kel; I promise."

"You better be. Have you been eating regularly and staying hydrated?" 

"Doing my best to, but, sometimes I get distracted and forget to keep drinking." 

"We all do. So, are you ready to take on the Sheridan's and Sky Blue?" 

"I am." 

"Watch out for Carli, she sent me a message indicating that she was planning on being the player to break your shut-out streak." 

"Oh, really? Now, I'm even more motivated not to let it happen." 

She can hear Kelley laughing on the other end. "Good to hear." 

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