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The next morning Kelley and Erin are sitting, chatting and drinking their morning cup when Kelley's phone buzzes. She smiles widely when she sees who the message is from.

New Message

Wild Thing: Good morning.

Kelley: Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?

Wild Thing: Really well and you?

Kelley: Pretty good. What's your schedule today?

Wild Thing: Classes until around 3 and then training at 6. What are you and Erin up to today?

Kelley: Still up for discussion, but from the sounds of it, more dress hunting. I also have a meet and greet thing with some fans later on today.

Wild Thing: Have fun with that. I should get a move on. Message me later, if you like.

Kelley: Have a good at school and try not to pull anything during training. I'll try and message later, not sure when Erin is leaving.

Wild Thing: I will and I'll do my best not to. Bye, Kel.

Kelley: Bye, Kase.

Kelley sets her phone down on the table and Erin watches her. "Let me guess, you were messaging, Kasey."

"Yes," Kelley answers before taking a sip from her cup.

Erin waits for Kelley to take another sip before responding, "Next time the two of you decide to have phone sex, you might want to remember that the walls are paper thin and you are loud!"

Kelley chokes on her mouthful causing Erin to laugh at her, almost as if she planned for it to happen.

"Squirrel, I like her. She seemed genuine in what she was saying about you and her. Do everyone a favour and just rush things, I have a good feeling about this one."

Kelley smiles, "Thank you. It's true, Kasey isn't like anyone else that I've ever dated or been involved with; she's special."

"You've already fallen for her, haven't you?"

Kelley nods, "Like I said she's special."

"Wow, I don't think I've ever heard you use the word special to describe anyone."

"It hasn't fit anyone, until now. I'm going to grab a shower and change, then we can head out. Remember I can't be running all over the city today because I need to make an appearance at the meet and greet."

Kasey pulls into the parking lot at Capital City and just looking at the number of cars already there knows she is going to be parking at the back of the lot and making the long walk to the buildings where the classes are. The only benefit is that her car will be relatively close to the dome and she won't need to walk a long-distance once training is over for the evening.

Entering through one of the side buildings of the campus and walking through three different areas, she finally reaches the building where her classes are held. She walks the stairs up to the next level before finding her class and setting down her stuff on one of the tables. With her travel mug now empty of coffee, she debates if she has enough time to fill it before class starts and instead decides to wait until the instructor calls for a break.

She chats with some of her classmates while they wait and then turns her attention to the instructor once she begins talking.

With her first class done, she takes a seat in one of the common areas and eats her lunch while watching an episode of OITNB. Usually, she would have crossed paths with Jen by now, but surprising her friend is nowhere to be seen.

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