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Kasey turns over and stops the beeping before rolling back into Kelley's arms. 

"I think that noise means that it's time for someone to get up." 

"Don't want to. I'm tired, and you're a good pillow."

Kelley chuckles, "How about I make you some coffee and breakfast while you shower?"

"Okay, I guess." 

Kelley kisses her forehead, "You feeling alright?" 

"Not my best, but it could just be my period kicking my ass." 

"I know that feeling. How about a side of Advil to go with breakfast?"   

"Sounds good." Kasey looks at Kelley and smiles, "I'm never going to want to let you go if you keep spoiling me, Kel." 

"I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, Babe. Now, if I'm awake and in the process of getting up, then that definitely means you need to get your butt moving."  

"I will; just give me a few." 

Kelley nods before climbing out of bed and heading into the bathroom to what she needs to do prior to heading out to the kitchen to whip Kasey up something to eat.

Eventually, Kasey joins her after showing and getting dressed for work. They exchange a good morning kiss. Kelley pulls Kasey back into her for a hug. "You okay, Kase?" 

"Yeah, I just got a headache I can't seem to shake. Hopefully, some food and Advil will help." 

"Maybe you're coming down with a bug; perhaps you should call in sick today?" 

"I would if I could, but there's too much going on at the store today, and it's too late to get coverage for myself." 

"Do me a favour and make sure to stay hydrated and take your break to eat today, okay?" 

"I'll do my best, but Saturdays are always my busiest days at work. Crap! I just remembered that I'm supposed to sign up Kylie for soccer today. I already filled out the form and wrote a cheque to cover it; would it be possible for you to sign her up? It's between 11  and 1 at the dome." 

"No problem, I got it covered, Kase. Now, sit down and eat." 

Kasey sits down and eats her breakfast alongside Kelley. 

"This is really good." 

"Told you that I was a good cook." 

Kasey nods. 

"Is there anything else that you need me to look after while you're at work?" 

"Not unless you want to go to 3 C and pick up my textbooks for the term?" 

"Not particularly." 

Kasey laughs, "Didn't think so and getting Kylie signed up is more important." 

After setting her dishes in the sink, Kasey hugs Kelley, and they share a kiss, "Time for me to go. I'll see you after work. Love you, Kel and do me a favour and don't let Kylie sleep much longer." 

"Love you, beautiful; Have a good day at work." 

Kelley watches on as Kasey gets her jacket on and collects her things before heading on her way to work. 

After successfully convincing Kylie to get up and fixing her up with breakfast, Kelley heads in to grab a shower and make herself presentable for the outside world. 

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