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Ring ... ring ... ring

Kasey rolls over and yawns as she answers her phone, "Hello?"

"Kasey? Hey, it's Alex. I hope I didn't wake you, but I was up super early, and Carli told me that I should be in contact with you." 

Kasey yawns again, "Hey Alex, sorry, yeah, I was asleep; Kelley had me up late last night."

"I really don't want to know about that, Wild, save it for the honeymoon. You are going on a honeymoon, right?"

"Most likely, we'll do something after the season is over. So, I need to talk to you about an email that Carli said you would be copied on. It's about the latest player and roster moves for the USWNT."

"I saw your name on the list, Kase, and I'm really excited for you."

"Thanks. I know you and Kel are really close and don't keep secrets, but I'm asking you not to let Kelley know about my current status, please. She knows that I'm using my dual citizenship with regards to the Courage, but I never told her about Jill contacting me again about the USWNT. When and if the time comes that I get an invite to a camp or session, I'd like to be the one to surprise her with the news, okay?" 

"No worries, Kase; she definitely won't hear it from me. So what does this mean in terms of you playing for Canada?" 

"The door is still open for that, but only slightly. After talking with Kailen, I really don't see a place for myself with them. I know it's a long shot that I'll ever make the jump to the main roster with the US, but the chance to possibly play with Kelley is something that is fueling all of my decisions, including this one." 

"It would mean the world to Worms to be able to play with you. She loves you so much, Kase. I'm so happy that the two of you found each other." 

"Me too. So, am I to assume that Tobin will be accompanying you to the wedding?" 

"She will be. I can't believe that the two of you are getting married on the pitch." 

Kasey laughs, "We both thought it was fitting as soccer is what brought us together and will keep us together." 

"Someone sounds more than a little sappy." 

Kasey laughs, "If you think I'm sappy, you should talk to Kel; she's been looking after the majority of the planning as well as Kylie and is on sap overload!"

Alex laughs, "Speaking of Kylie, how is she handling everything?" 

"She's excited about the wedding and soccer, but it's going to be hard on everyone being separated once our seasons start. Did Kel tell you that Kylie was invited to attend a camp for Soccer Canada in July? They invited 5 of the girls from our area, and Kylie was the only goalkeeper to get an invite." 

"Oh wow, that's awesome!! Please tell her I'm excited for her, and I'll let Tobs know as well; I'm sure she'll be stoked for Little Wild." 

"Kelley was planning on letting Kylie call Ash and Ali and letting them know." 

"Knowing Ash, there will be lots of screaming and swearing involved in that conversation." 

Kasey laughs, "Most likely. I should really start to get a move on, Alex; Thank you for calling and give Tobs a hug for me."

"You're leaving for camp tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I have a flight later on tonight to Raleigh. I figured it would be good to get there a bit early and get situated before the camp starts. I've got a rental waiting for me at the airport, and I cleared it with the Courage for me to stay in a hotel a couple of days extra." 

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