CHAPTER 2: Welcome back

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Lisa's POV

I sighed as I stopped at the front of my school. A lot students who recognize me are left in gawk. Well, who will not be shocked? After one and a half year of absence, I'll just back like nothing in the past happened? Wow.

I just found out something that made me back in the way how I live just like before. Hmm... I'll just keep it on me first, the author wants a suspense.. fuckin' suspense.

[Author: Lisa niyo napilitan. Hehe. Continue😌]


So yeah, I enetered and as usual, the guard stopped me. With an ear to ear smile that I usually see to him.

"Good Morning! I didn't know you'll be back—" I cutted his thoughts. Sorry Mr. Guard, I'm not the old Lisa you know. Only Dad, the administration office, the dean and the faculties knew that I'm back. I just don't want those sluts block my way like what they used to do before. I'm not the old Lisa, by the way.

"Because that isn't your work." And I passed him. And walked with a chin up.

Great. They were looking at me now, murmuring about the past.

'After the issue, I didn't heard anything from her.'

Okay, they were bringing up the past. I sighed and lower down my head. But...


What the..

Who the hell?

The latter looked back on me. A tiny latter, actually. A tiny latter with a cat like eyes.



Just her eyes..

What are you even thinking, Lisa?!

"Yah, why did you bump me? Look, my coffee spilled on my shirt!" She frowned. Duh, she's the one who stopped there?

"What?" I just said. Less talk, uh!

"Why did you bump into me?" I know she was just trying to calm herself. Dude, her grip in her cup is tight as hell...

"Because you stopped?" I answered. Simply😌

"Can you please answer me in a nice way—?" I'm late to listen this shits.

"I have no time for this shits, Miss. I'm at your back because you are blocking my way to the bulletin board." I coldly said and continued walking. Students are now looking in the both of us, murmuring something but I didn't mind to listen so I dunno what the fuck is it.

I checked my name on the acceleration exam passers. Okay, Rank 1. I walked again with a chin up.

"Yah! Aren't you going to at least, apologize?!" I stopped as that voice came..again. Who's this girl, bu the way? Didn't she aware on who I am? A newbie...

I faced the girl and..

"Why would I?" I said and continued to walk..

I don't know what happened next to her and I. Don't. Fucking. Care.

"Lisa-yah? Oh geez, it's you!" I am 10 steps near to board office when a familiar voice came.

"Lisa-yah! Oh my god!" It's Jisoo, my bestfriend.

"Eonni.." I gave them a sly smile. She's with Jeongyeon, Seulgi and Seulgi's girlfriend, Irene.

"Are you really Lisa? You might be just a stranger with the exact same face as her?" Irene asked while scanning me.

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