CHAPTER 17: The Past 2.0

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Lisa's Mom's PoV
(She's telling the story to Jennie)

LISA came home. Our precious daughter. But, not the same Lisa. Her eyes are sad but her lips are smiling.

"Sweetie, what's the problem." She shook her head. She threw herself on the couch. I sat beside her. I know she's not feeling well.

"Are you sick?" I asked, worryingly. She shook her head. I cupped her face and looked straight in her eyes. She's getting teary. Then, she hugged my and cried.

"I think Somi is cheating.." she said between her sobs. I furrowed my brows.

"How can you say it?" I asked. Maybe she's just busy.

"She's not responding on my texts and calls. She's being cold and easy to get pissed. She's not like the same Jeon Somi, Mom." She said. I rubbed her back.

"Shh.. don't say that.. maybe, she's just stressed and busy. You know, college life is stressing. Additional to that, she's on different course. Relax.." I brushed her hair. She continued crying until she fell asleep on my shoulder.

Lisa may be an idependent and strong woman, but she have this side that will make you cry as well. She's still our baby.

"Mom, we're homeee!!" A shout cane from the door. It's Bambam and Nickhun, Lisa's younger brothers.

"Shhh... your noona is sleeping." I said. They covered their mouths and sat beside their noona and hugged her.

"Uhm.." Lisa moved and awaken.

"Hi, Noona! Ow? Did you cry?" Nickhun asked. "A-aniya.." Lisa answered. I left them on the living room. For sure, her brothers will soothe her. I just watched them from the kitchen entrance.

"But look at your eyes. They are swollen." Bambam cupped his Noona's face.

"No.. I just woke up, that's why." Lisa answered and laugh. Such a great pretender.

Actually, I'm also feeling the same thing towards Somi. She didn't visit us for how many weeks now. I hope she didn't really do something crazy..

At night, Her brothers stayed at their noona's room to sleep. I let them. They are the only people who can make her forget her problems..

The sun came. Me and my husband came to Lisa's room to check them and we can hear some fun noises inside.

There they are, playing. The feathers of the pillow are scattered on the room. And the two boys are coughing. Lisa hugged them and rubbed their backs.

Such a sweet Noona.

"Our babies are having fun.." The three looked at us and the two boys ran to their father who came late last night.

"Ma'am.. Ms. Jeon Somi is looking for you." Our maid came.

"Somi's here?" Lisa's face lighten up. She quickly ran out of the room like a kid. She almost stumble.

"So whipped." Bambam said. We laughed and go to the living room. Lisa is crying again, in Somi's shoulder.

"I thought you don't love me anymore." She whined like a kid. Somi's rubbing Lisa's back.

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