CHAPTER 68: Possesed

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Jennie' PoV
I was supposed to be hurt, disappointed, embarassed and angry as Lisa shouted we kissed, right?

I felt the opposite. I was proud.

I don't know. I was supposed to slap her right? But I am internally smiling that time!

And now, we're on the Director's office.

"Sir, what Lisa did to Jennie is harassment! She.. fucking kissed Jennie!" Yelled Kai.

"Language, Jong-in." The director calmed.

"Harassment? Are you damn kidding me? What the hell." Lisa scoffed.

I sighed. I want to tell Kai everything. But everything is already on chaos.

"Lisa, shut up." Mr. M commanded.

"The kissing incident isn't part of this. It's a different topic. What we're here now is to make you two reflect." Dean added.

"What? Sir, it was your daughter who's a victim of Harassment!" Kai stood up.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"It's me and my daughter's business to fix. I am here as this school's Dean, so sit down and let's talk about how many hours you will be on detention room." Dad is serious.

"Any words, Ms. Kim?" The director asked me.

Should I speak up? Should I tell why we kissed? Should I tell them that we kissed behind our in denial feelings?

"None." I ended up to be silent.

"Jennie, c'mon. Tell them what happened. Tell them Lisa harassed yo--." This time, Kai wasn't able to finish his words.

"I said I didn't Harass her!" Lisa kicked Kai on the stomach.

"Oh my god, Kai!" I jolt up, as well as Dad, Mr. M and the Director.

"We are fucking drunk!.." Lisa is now damn mad. Mr. M tried to hold her but Lisa isn't on her mind. She grabbed the flower vase and threw it to the floor.

Oh my god, It's like a demon posessed her.

"Lisa, please calm down." I pleaded.

My heart is ranging, not because of how sweet Lisa is, instead, it was ranging because of nervousness. I think all of her blood went up to her head, she's red.

"Dad, please stop her." I talkes to my Dad.

"She's already uncontrollable. Marco.." Dad answered and called Lisa's Dad.

"She've gotten worse... Lisa, sit down." Mr. M murmured before calming her daughter.

"You.. you don't know how hatd it is to me to resist what I feel. You.." she kicked the coffee table that smashed the glass. "You always compete!" Lisa shouted.

Is this Lisa.

I ran to her side, even I don't know what to do.

"Because everything is supposed to be mine, Lisa." Kai stood up.

"Yours? There's nothing yours. You're no one." Lisa's clenching will make her own hands bleed.

I'm scared.

The door opened and revealed our friends.

"Lisa! Stop!" Somi told.

"She's carried away again. Sir, I saw a bottle of hard liquor in her bag." Jisoo surrendered the walf way empty bottle of Jack Daniel's.

Lisa is drunk..?

"You think I'll keep silent? You don't deserve Jennie, Kai.. Yoi don't fucking deserve her!" Lisa was about to run to him but..

My body automatically moved.

My feet ran to her front, my arms wrapped around her waist, my head automatically leaned on her chest and my eyes suddenly teared.

I hugged her with braveness.

I can hear her heavy breathing.

I can feel her heart ranging just like mine.

She stopped. Everuone stopped. Everything I can hear is Lisa's heavy breathing and her gast ranging heart beat.

We almost stumble, gladly we didn't.

And then, my mouth suddenly spoke.

"Lisa, you're just drunk. Calm down. We both wanted what happened last night, okay? Please, I'm begging you to calm down." My tears escaped.

I'm sure it's just me and Lisa who heard it.

She settled, sitting on the nearest couch with me. I sighed on her top and went up.

"You, dumbass!" I thought it was settled. Kai suddenly ran and gave Lisa a hard jab on her face.

The sound was loud, Lisa was knocked out.

"Lisa!" We all shouted.

"Jong-in, you are suspended! Leave!" Dean yelled.

Our friends and the school bosses approached Lisa. As well as me.

"Jennie.." kai called me. I look on him with disappointment.

"Let's talk tomorrow, Kai." I seriously asked.

"Jennie come o--."

"Please, Kai." I cut.

He gritted his teeth and left the office.

"Call the clinic!" Mr. M shouted. "The liquor posessed her, fuck!" The guy added.

"Jennie, you're the only one who can solve this chaos between the two." Somi whispered.

Me again?

Have you seen my new username?
athr_lennox, just bored. Lmao

Wah so many plot coming to my mind, finally! It was brownout on our town like, wtf! But, I'm thankful I can make a draft, lol.

School work passing deadline tomorrow, welp! I have 1 more subject to do and there's no electricity for the internett!! Waaaaah!!😭

I published 12:41AM but I drafted it around 4-5:00PM earlier.

Hey, you can also add me on facebook. 'Lennox Nabonam'. NABONAM is a reversed MANOBAN. Facebook policies made me do it😩

Call me 'Lennox'😉

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