CHAPTER 18: Closure

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Lisa's PoV

I got up from my bed. And My head hurts as hell.

"Ow shit.." I groaned. My head aches like it will pop soon.Who wouldn't feel it if you drank different kinds of hard drinks? Tsh.

I remembered what Kai did and said. Court? He doesn't even know how to court a girl. And the hell I care? Psh.

I shook my head and roam my eyes around.

Oh? I'm on my room.. I mean, my room on our mansion. Who just brought me here?

I stood up and rubbed my eyes before I yawned and stretched my body. I look at my old things here after.

A lots of pictures of my childhood days and—

"Why is this Damn still here?" I grabbed the picture frames of me and Somi. I felt another anger. I can't feel the old feeling that I felt, way back then. It was all anger now. Fucking anger.

She's the one who changed me from my bad side and she's also the one who changed me from my good side. It's like a volume that she increased and decreased after.

The pictures are plenty as hell! Damn!

I held it using my arms and decided to put them on the trash downstairs.

As I am walking through the stairs, I heard some familiar noises from the dining.

"You're drunk as hell that you're saying stupid things."

"Like what?"

"Stop it, Im Nayeon.. You also did said crazy things."

"Shut up!"


"You think Lisa is awake?"

"I dunno."

"Let's wake her up!"

"Don't. Let her rest."




Why they're here?

I shook my head and continued hopping down the stairs. I entered the dining and this people are still here.

They looked at me.

"Yow! You're awakeee!" Jeongyeon said.

"No I'm not, It's just my soul. Stupid." I said and pass by them.




"Pretty savage!"

I can hear their laughter here on the dirty kitchen.

I threw all the pictures on the big trash bin. That made a loud noise of scattered glass.

I heard them panic and after a second they're here in my back. The heckk..

"Lisa-yah! What happened?" I sighed. They're so OA. I pass by them and sat on the dining table.

"Ooh.. Picturessssssssssssss.."

"Aww, LiSomi's sweet moments."


They all went back after. They're so quiet.

I ate quietly while they are chitchatting about what happened last night.

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