CHAPTER 16: The Past..

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Fuck Dispatch!! How can Jennie and
G-Dragon date? The hell! Dispatch must be crazy.. though, if it's really true, then let's support them. At least, they were on the same company, right? I trust them.

Yow! JenLisa lubog na naman HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!

Jennie's PoV

My thoughts are running through my mind while I'm driving and following Seulgi's car that has been driving off by Irene. Jeongyeon's car was taken by Nayeon and Jisoo's car was taken by Chaeng. Kai's car was driving off by a replacement driver.

"Get lost, Somi.." I heard Lisa mumbled. I swear, she's been mumbling those things since earlier. All I have to do is to sigh.

"Chaeyoung-ah! I will marry you tomorrow! Is it okay? Okay!" Jisoo is completely drunk. Oh, god! Why did we decided to put these dorks in one car?

"Irene, I will undergo a surgery to have a dick, so we can have our own family, I don't want an IVF, your DNA can't be same with the baby.." Seulgi muttered at the back. Like, what the fuck! I laughed really hard. Oh my god! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! How I wish Irene is hearig this.

"I will change for good! You can't get anything from me anymore, Lisa." This drunk Kai pointed his cousin who's drifted asleep.

I wonder what really are they problem. Then I became to think about Lisa and that Somi again.

"Nayeon-ah. Nayeon-ah? Nayeon-ah! Nayeon! Where youuuuuuu?!" Jeongyeon started to shout. I heave a deep sigh. I can't with this dorks.

We finally arrived the place.

"Oh? What happened?" Mr. M and his wife came out. I think she is, because she looks like Lisa.

"Ah.. Uncle, auntie... our friends got drunk and we can't take them at their homes since it was far distance to each other and we're scared to drive alone. So we just decided to bring them here.. We're about to let them stay at Lisa's unit but Kai is with us. They might be in a chaos if they woke up with each other.." Irene explained.

"You got the right decision, my dear.." Mrs. Manoban said.

We carried these dorks.

Nayeon to Jeongyeon, Irene to Seulgi, Chaeyoung to Seulgi, Mr. M to Kai and they left me with Lisa.

I heave a sigh. I don't know if how many time do I heave a sigh tonight.

I unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Uhm! Who are you? Are you planning to kidnap me? Don't! Because I will watch how my cousin got rejected by Jennie!  That heightless kitten.. You know, she's cute at first sight, but if you got to know her? Uh, nevermind. I can't deny that she is cute and beautiful at the same time, but she's just annoying.. So.. Do you still want to kidnap me? Just watch with me when Jennie rejected that Kim Jong-in." She said drunkly while waving her hands like shooing me. Why is she telling this?

I felt my face getting hot when she told that I am cute and beautiful at the same time. I dunno why. Damn this feeling.

"Oww! You look like Jennie.. Aish! I must be really drunk— *Waaaghk!*" I am shock on what happened next.


Bitch, she just puke on my shirt!!!!!
Nayeon's PoV

I guess we should check JenLisa. Jennie just shouted...

"Hm, I wonder what craziness did my daughter do?" Mr. M said, jokingly. Mrs. Manoban slapped her husband'shoulder.

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