CHAPTER 87: Regionals DC

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Kai never showed up. His threat is just a message but, he never showed up.

"Good morning, hon'!!! Yah, wake up!!" Jennie sweetly wake Lisa. The latter groaned and pressed her head to the pillow.

"5 minutes more, hon'.." Lisa said on a hoarse voice.

"You will wake up or I will pour this coffee on you?" Jennie shifted her mood.

Lisa quickly opened her eyes and got up, pouting..

"I'm sleepy~" Lisa stretched her arms. She remained it oped to get a hug from Jennie.

The bottom gave her a kiss and hug.

"Aren't you excited for your Dance competition? C'mon get up.." Jennie puts their breakfast on the study table.

"BamBam and Nichkun flew to Thailand already. They wasn't able to bid their goodbyes to you because you're a sleepyhead." Jennie poke Lisa's forehead.

"You managed them earlier? Thank you, I love you." Lisa gave Jennie a peck on her lips.

"Yeah, I love you too~~.. C'mon eat your breakfast. You have to be 5 hours ahead the event."  Jennie pulled Lisa to theur study table.

BamBam and Nichkun gets back to Thailand to recieve the inheritance certificate of their Company branch there. They'll be back after a year...
Lisa's PoV
My future wife is so sweet and excited. She made everything ready.

Well, future wife because I want to propose to her after our graduation, it's 4 months remaining.. I want her to be mine forever.

And as what I've said, Kai is just playing dirty. He never showed up after that Day I came back. Though, we're still being careful. The others also panicked at first but we're all okay now. No worries, enjoying and had a great fuck. --,

On the way to Seoul concert stadium, where the competion will be held.

"Wow.. this place is really huge." Jennie compliments the place. I saw the others waiting to the entrance.

"How come you don't know this? You're Korean, I'm Thai, yet I know Korea better?" I teased.

"As if you know Thailand better.." she pouted.

I laughed on her. She's kinda right. ^^,'

"Let's gooo!! Final rehersals." Seulgi pulled me as soon as I got out of our car.

"Yah! Watch out!" I shoved her hands.

We all get inside the stadium.. A lot of people are there!! Students from different schools and Universities!

I remember the boastful losers who's my enemy. They won last year, I know they're here.

"Well, well, well... The losers are back, with their Hen.." The guy..

Speaking of...

"What's up, bitch.. are you ready to lose?" Seulgi played like a kid.

"Who's this dog?" Jennie made them hear.

"Oh! A new chick, master Hen? Aww, poor you. You belong to this group of Chickens. What a gorgeous one." He grabbed Jennie's hand and about to kiss it when Jennie is so fast to smack its face.

I restrained a laugh.

"I'm a chic.. C-H-I-C.. Not a Chick you were pertaining to. No one of us.. So.. You're the Champions last year?" Jennie asked.

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