CHAPTER 32: Daegu?

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Lisa's PoV
And bitch, yeah.. we started to bicker again.

"You know what? You're so annoying. I hate you.." Jennie groaned. That's an aww.. The girl I like said that she hates me.

"No one's asking, bitch." I mumbled and look away. Seriously, she looks damn hot when she's like this, addition to that, her reactions and expression is so priceless.

"It's not right for the kid to hear those words." Kai intrude. This guy. My annoying cousin. The guy you courts Jennie. The guy that I am insecure with. Well, nevermind.

"Seriously, you will fight in front of us? Gosh, Lisa.. cool down, both of you. Aish! We better ordering right now." Tzuyu said and they all left for the counter.

Wait wait wait..



I thought there was a waitress here? And then I look around, and everybody is ordering at the cashier.



"Just stay here, Jennie.. I'll order yours.. What do you want to have?" Kai asked Jennie. Jennie smiled. I look away. Okay.. that. That kinda hurt. Kinda? Bitch.

"Buddy, are they on a relationship—."

"Nah.. continue eating and I will drop you home." I cutted. Relationship? Jennie and Kai? Andwae.. not yet. But maybe sooner or later.

"O..kay" the kid continue eating.

"Milk ice cream and a brownie would be fine." Jennie answered and Kai nodded. I just look at them vice versa. This pretty hurts but I can't do anything.

I wanna leave now but it'll be so rude. Besides, it's been a while when I meet Tzuyu. And about Luca, she's still eating.

"You really like milks huh?" Kai chuckled and patted Jennie's head before he left. So probably, we were facing each other.

"Gosh.. how could I be facing this giant right now? What a great afternoon.." Jennie mumbled a bit. And.. eh? I was looking at her in a lowkey way. I'm like a damn psychopath here, playing my tongue inside my mouth.. and yeah, she rolled her eyes that made her look hot.. damn this..

"Uwu, you're so cute!" She averted her gaze to me and talk with the kid. Luca seems so comfortable with Jennie.

"I'm Luca, what is your name?" The kid asked. I think, if Jennie will become a mother on the future, she's a brat bitch. Like if her child point into something; "go, get what you want. I wanna go home right now" lol. Mother of Kai's child.. yeah. You know what? When it hurts, just ignore it, bitch!

"I'm Jennie.. you have a cute name.." Jennie uttered. Of course it's cute. It starts from letter 'L'. Bruh!

While the two was talking.. I'm just staring at this bitch's gorgeous face. She looks very beautiful with her outfit today.. Croptop shirt and a black pants.. anything fits in her..

She's gorgeous, right?

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She's gorgeous, right?

But sadly.. you can't have her. I can't have her. We can't have her.. But maybe, Kai can. I envy him.

What if.. what if, even on the start I felt this weird damn feelings, I already admitted on my self that I have a feelings towards her? What if, I admitted my feelings since the first? Will she accept me? Or maybe nah.. she's damn straight.

I forgot what's my agenda here in this shop with Luca and that jerk called Kyle.. it's because of Jennie.

"Do I have a dirt on my face?" I snapped out when Jennie spoke with her bitch look. Oh god.. Am I drooling that long??

"Nah.. your face is a dirt." I said and looked away.

"Wow..look.. Luca, look. That's how mean your Appa is. She's annoying, right?" She talked to the kid. Her expressions are damn priceless.

"For me, she's not annoying. She's scary.. But Aunt, she have a good looking, right?" Luca said. I wanna laugh.

"Why are you scared to this monkey? And uh.. good looking?" She frowned. She lean her face with annoyance and aggressively tilt my head from side to side, holding my chin.

"Where? Where is the 'good looking' one? Addition to that is her big forehead." She pointed my forehead aggressively that made my head throw at the back a little. I frowned and held her wrist that made our face became more closer.

My heart skipped a bit. It's like fairy cane in front of me. A damn gorgeous fairy. She blinked, but on my sight, it was slow motioned.. HOW COULD IT HAPPEN?! I just stared while my face is slowly getting into my normal face. Her cat-like eyes are so beautiful.. her perfect nose. And her lips.. the lips that everyone would wish to kiss.

I wish I am Kai.. he's lucky.
Jennie's PoV
I swear she so damn annoying! I want to rip off her straight face, seriously!

"Yah, Luca.. If you grow up, don't have your buddy's attitude, okay? She's a bad person." I said to the kid. Lisa rolled her eyes and started eating again.

I glared at her but when she licked her lips because of the ice cream, I gulped. It's...nothing. Yeah. Nothing.

Oh, god.. calm down, Jennie. You are straight! Straight! Straight! Straight! Bitch, I'm straight.

"What're you looking at, flop doodle?" Lisa asked. I snapped out and look away. Geez, this is making me crazy.

"We're back!" Jeongyeon offered a sit to Nayeon  which the bottom accept. The others also did.

They started eating and talking about some stuffs, and talking to the kid. Jennie and Lisa kept being silent and just glaring to each other.

After 5 minutes of talking, they ordered another wave of foods. And Kai's phone lit up. Someone's calling.

"I'll just take this, excuse me." He stood up.

"Yeoboseyo?.. ah, yeah.. excuse me?.. What?! What happened to her?!" He panicked. "Okay, okay. I'm coming." He was panic.

"Guys.. I have to go. An emergency came up. My mom was brought to the hospital." He said in panic.

"Is that so? Sure sure.. get well soon to your Mom." Jisoo said.

"Darn.. Jennie, how about you? You're going to your parents on Daegu, right?" He asked me. I just nodded.

"Yeah. But, I'm fine. They will drop me there. Don't worry. Go to your Mom now." I said and smiled.

"I'm really sorry." He bowed and dash out of the shop.

"I'm not gonna drop you on Daegu. I have to drop Chaeyoung on the Mart." Jisoo.

"Me too, Nayeon have something to buy on the mall." Jeongyeon.

"Mostly me.. Irene have something to do in Busan." Seulgi.

"Why not, with you, Lisa? You'll also go in Daegu, right—?"

"NO WAY!" Lisa and I said on unison. Andwae!

"Well.. start to walk now, Jennie Kim." Nayeon smirked.

"Fine." Lisa sighed.

"What? No! I don't want to spent the whole hour with you! Never!" I pointed the fork to her.

"Jennie unnie, I'm there also. You can go with us. Buddy is so boring on trip." The kid muttered. Our friends laughed.

I took some time til I answer 'yes'.

I don't have any damn choice!

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