CHAPTER 29: Daegu with Ex

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Third person's PoV
The classes ended and Lisa's friends can notice Lisa's sudden change. Like, the childish Lisa back them possesed Lisa. They're happy though. The Lisa Manoban they know are slowly coming back.

While, Somi was smiling the whole time as she always remember that Lisa will come with her in Daegu. Jennie on her side can notice it that's why she's rolling her eyes like a bitch—well, she is.

"Lisa.. let's go?" Somi approached Lisa after class, Lisa isn't still done cleaning her things.

"Y-you will go now? Right at this time?" Seulgi asked in shock. She thought that it'll be later.

"Yes." Somi smiled.

"Jen, how's your foot?" Kai came with a worried face. All of the JenKai supporters on the room was squealing while Jennie's friends was hiding the disgust on their faces.

"It's fine. It just got triggered earlier because of a arrogant." Jennie said sarcastically and glared at Lisa who's talking with Somi. Her mood suddenly changed into blank one.

"Let's just be careful. C'mon, I'll drop you to your father's office." Kai said and smiled.

"Yeah.. Uh, guys. Let's go?" Jennie turn her gaze to her friends.

"Sure! Lisa, how about you?" Jisoo asked Lisa. The tall girl look at her friend.

"You better get going. We'll leave soon." Lisa assure. She's restraining her anger on Somi before she disrespect the girl.

Her friends left with Jennie who rolled her eyes on Somi first before she left that Somi saw.

"What's the problem of that girl?" Somi asked Lisa. "Get used into it." Lisa asnwered and also walked out of the room, leaving Somi.

Somi chased Lisa and they reached the parking

"Where's your car?" Lisa asked her ex. She manage to be formal.

"I don't have any. I left it in Daegu.."

"You took a cab, wearing that?" Lisa furrowed her brows as she asked. Somi is wearing a mini skirt with a off shoulder blouse that really fits her.

She's still worried on me.. Somi's mind. She uncosciously smiled.

On the other hand, Jennie reached the parking with her father and saw the two talking while Lisa is furrowing her brows. Later on, Lisa opened the door for Somi. Jennie glared at the car and felt sadness for she don't know reason.

She snapped out when Jennie's Dad approached. He saw how affected her daughter was which made him grin.

She's going in Daegu with her ex.. Jennie's mind.
Somi's PoV
Actually I have my car with me. But I want to spent the long time with her. Who wouldn't be? She's Lisa, by the way.

My plan was turning upside down. I need to broke the silence. But, I was alaod shocked on my question.

"Do you still love me?" I asked uncosciously. I want to slap myself but I don't want to get embarrassed in front of Lisa. But, bruuh! I still want to know her answer. If she does, then it'll be easy to get her back. If she don't, then I'll make her fall in love with me again.

"What the damn hell." She murmured. I sighed. A few seconds of silence and she answered.

"Not anymore." She said while focusing on the road. Somi felt a strong sting on herheart. The ex smiled bitterly..
Somi's PoV
My heart shattered into pieces. I don't know what to say, even though I already know what's her answer. I just can't help it.

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