CHAPTER 69: The Revelation

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Tomorrow morning, after the incident yesterday, everything is sort of fine.

"Sweetie, you have to make desision now. Talk to them. I've seen them fight since then but it was worse today. Help them." Dean Kim convinced Jennie.

"What should I do, Dad?" Jennie asked looking away the car window. She let her Dad drive for her.

"Who do you feel special? Prioritize what you feel, Jennie. If it was Lisa, then I'll be so happy for you. If it's Kai, then it's okay." Dean parked their car on the parking lot.

This is Lisa and Kai's last day before suspension, One week suspension.

"Dad, it was Lisa." Jennie confessed.

"You sure?"

"So fucking sure, Dad." Jennie look on her father.

"Talk to her. Talk to them. It'll be their last day today and they'll be suspended for a week." He went out of the car.

"You drive home the car, Marco and I will have a coffee later." And he enters the school.

"Jennie, Kai is waiting for you." Xiumin came.

"Where is he?" Jennie asked.

"At the back of our building."

Xiumin escorted Jennie.

"Eh? Oy, Jennie?" Seulgi and the others saw Jennie with Xuimin going to the back of the building.

"Wait me here, please?" Jennie asked.

Everyone nods.
Lisa's PoV
Damn, I shouldn't have drank before going to school. I've made mess!

I called Somi but she's not answering. She just messaged me that she's in school already.

I have to talk  to Jennie, this is my fault. I know she's on a deep thought. I've made her shock.

On the clear and silent pathway, I finally saw Somi. She's with Jungkook. The creepy guy. They were talking. It seems so serious.

As I walk closer, I am hearing what they are talking about. However, their talk seems to be serious that they didn't notice me.

"So, when are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know? Somi, she needs to know. What the hell, wake up!"

"How?! Kai and Lisa is on chaos! How can I tell her, huh?"

"Just tell her. I simple confession! Like, 'Lisa, I'd like to tell you who ruined us."

My heart ranges fast. This is what I am waiting for.

"Telling her that her cousin is Luca's father is not easy. They're rival since then!"

This time, I've gritted my teeth. I clenched my fist and my bag dropped on yhe floor which they heard.

Kai? Kai again?! What the fuck! He always gives me problem!

"L-lisa." Somi called.

"Let's talk. P-please." She's shaking.

Igrabbed my bag and ran.

I swear, I will kill him!

He ruined us! He made me broke! He let Somi raise their kid alone! He's a complete jerk!

I swear, I will kill him!

My sight is all black, I'd let my dark side control me.

I reached our building and saw our friends.

"Where's Jennie?" I asked. he don't deserve Jennie.

"Xiumin brought her at the back--." I quickly walked to the back of the building.

"Fuck you, Kai!" I burst out.

And then I saw Kai pinning Jennie on the wall.

Pasensya na, pabitin me.

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