CHAPTER 98: Prepared future

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MYEONGDONG CATHEDRAL is the National Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese Of Seoul. Located in The Myeongdong neighborhood of Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea, it is the seat of the Archbishop of Seoul Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-Jung, the highest Roman Catholic prelate of the Nation.

*Year skip ahead😂


Lisa's PoV
September 23, 2022 is the final date.

July 19, 2022 is the date today.

We decided to get married at the exact date of our 2nd Anniversary.

Everything is planned already! Well, they are still fixing the church.

"Lisaaaaaaa!" Jennie's mom came in our room.

"Mom." I used to call her mom because her daughter is my wife. 😎

"Myeongdong Cathedral is set!" She hopped like a kid. Now you know where Jennie got that cute childish act.

Speaking of my wife. ☹️

She's away from me!😭

These elders around us do believe that stupid wedding beliefs.

For our wedding to happen, the couple should not see each other until the main wedding ceremony.

Like... what the fuck?

3 months without Jennie?! She's in her parents' house since July 1st. And I am on our Mansion since July 1st as well.

BamBam and Nichkun are here and I'm still ignoring my father.

Yes, I've been ignoring him for a year. He's still awkward to me.

Jennie is right, He's still my father and I think I'm ready to forgive him. But.. I'm shy🙂

"That's great to hear! Uhm, how's Jennie?" I suddenly asked. I'm just used living with her.

"Aww.. I know you miss her so much and she also do! She's doing great and not going outside the house. She's always with Irene, Chaeyoung and Nayeon.. they'll gonna have a party, I heard? Yeah! At our pool area... don't worry, it's just them, four."

She then walked out of my room and then came back with my mom, holding my lady's suit.

"I just came here to give this. Jennie gave our address that's why it came to our house.. c'mon, try it. Jennie wants to see you wearing it." She told.

I accepted it and walked to my open closet, letting the two talk on some mother stuffs.

I took my phone and and messaged Jennie.

To: Mrs. Gorgeous Manoban
I got my suit. Thank you, I miss you and I love you 24/365. See you on September 23, hon'❤️

And then I wore my suit after sending it.

Wah! How can you be so damn hot, Lisa?! The fuck?

I smirked on the mirror, placing both of my hands on my waist.

And then my phone vibrated.

From: Mrs. Gorgeous Manoban
Wanna see you wearing it, hon'😕

I instantly smiled.

To: Mrs. Gorgeous Manoban
Wanna see you naked.👀

From: Mrs. Gorgeous Manoban
Pervert! Just send it🙄

To: Mrs. Gorgeous Manoban
What if I don't want to?

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