CHAPTER 79: plague

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Lisa was on the ambulance. Conscious but wincing in pain.

Jennie on her side, holding Lisa's hand and panicked.

"What the fuck?! Can you please do your job faster?!" Jennie shouted.

"I'm injecting local anestesia. Stand for the vitals." The nurses did their jobs, ignoring Jennie.

After 5 minutes, Lisa calm down.

"Hon'... are you okay?" Lisa asked Jennie in her weak tone.

"What the fuck! Lisa, please focus on your stake first, will you?!" Jennie groaned, wiping her tears.

Despite of the knife, planted to her shoulder, Lisa managed to ask her girlfriend as if Jennie was hurt.

The nurses checked the knife and carefully pulled it with some gauze aeound the wound.

Lisa won't feel anything because of the anestesia or neither to be asleep.

"4 inches knife blade. Damaged cut a part of the human meat. Othorpedist should see this." Thr head nurse.

"Name of the Patient, Miss?"  A nurse asked Jennie.

"Lalisa Manoban." Jennie answered, wiping some sweats of Lisa.

"How about your name? And relationship with the patient."

"Jennie Kim, I'm her girlfriend." She again anwered.

"We're in the emergency room. Please be careful of the patient. I'm repeating, PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF THE PATIENT."

They started to move and Lusa was sent to the operating room to stitch her up.

Due to the sterile unit protocols, Jennie was left walking back and forth on the front of the door. Still can't believe what happened.

On the other hand, on the school. It was a chaos.

"What?! No! It was a self defense!!" Kai shouted.

"Self defense?! You attacked Lisa. You attacked our unarmed friend, Kai! Fuck you!" Jisoo shouted back.

"Kim Jong-in! Kim Jisoo!" Dean shut the two.

"Kai, you've been involved with so much offenses in our school. You did sexual violence to some students. Destruction of a fellow student's property. Physical violence. Bringing of a weapon and endangering a student's life!!  Petition to expell Mr. Kim Jong-in." The director made a decision.

"This is  absurd! It was self defense! Jisoo and her fucking friends struck me!"


"Who are you to do that to my daughter? You're just a criminal! Bastard! Useless! A plague!" He went out of control. Jjst like Lisa when she's so damn mad.

"Of course you're with your lovely daughter. How about me? Who am I to you? Do you have the guts to tell them who am I to you? Who am I--?!"

"A plague. A plague that I am regretful that I accpeted like a real child...

You are expelled, Jong-in. I declare as this school's founder and a father of the victim,, after this day, Kim Jong-in is no longer a student of MNBN University and will never be accepted in any other school due to multiple school violations and attempt of murder.

Kim Jisoo, Kang Seulgi and Yoo Jeongyeon. You are a week suspended for being involved of violence.

Dismiss." The guy waited them to answer.

"Yes, Dean. We full heartedly accept our punishment and promise to reflect on our wrong doings." Jisoo answered and bowed. The two also vowed.

"GREAT. You are using your power--."

"Power as a parent. Go to your classes and never comeback tomorrow. You're a heartless ego." Mr. M walked out, heading to the hospital.

"You can be sent to Jail, Kai. You're on your legal age. Attempt of murder is a quite big. You should be thankful Mr. M didn't call a police." The director told and he left with the Dean.

"FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!" Kai shouted in all of his energy and shoved everything he sees.

Destruction of School Property.

He's expelled starting from tomorrow

He ahd no choice but to come back to his last day of class.

Yah, don't hate him too much😏

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