CHAPTER 70: The Revelation 2

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Kai's Falshback (Yesterday)

"Kai." Mr. M called

"What the hell happened?" He'd asked, somewhat mad.

"Are you going to beat me up? For your information, your beloved daughter just harassed someone!"

"How dare you talk to me like that? You're not the Kai I know."

"Everything change. This time, you made me change." Kai said and left the old man hanging.

Somi's PoV
What the hell! I didn't expect Lisa coming!

I'm with Jungkook, running to our building.

"Yah, Somi. What the hell is happening?!" Nayeon panicked.

"Where's Lisa?"

"What the fuck? She just dash in—."

"Ah! What the hell is your problem?!" We heard Kai's voice.


I ran to the back of the building.

Kai stumbled and Lisa was held by Kai's friends.

"Fuck you, Kai! Fuck you!" Lisa shouted and trying to escape.

Lisa knew. I don't know what to do! What the hell! I didn't see this coming! I'm not prepared!

Kai, Who's Luca's father was identified. Lisa might hate me. I couldn't lose that single relationship I have with Lisa.

"The heck?!" Kai punched Lisa on the abdomen.

"Lisa!" Jennie called. I ran to her.

"What the fuck is happening?"

"Jennie, Lisa knew my secret. Kai and I had an affair." I answered.

"I will kill you! You always interfere! Fuck you, you jerk?!" Lisa shouted with all of her voice.

"What the hell are you talking about?! Is this about Jennie and I?!"

"You, fucking asshole! You ruined Somi and I! You fucked her and didn't do the responsibility! Fuck you, Kai!" Lisa succesfully escaped the guys and strangled Kai.

I ran to them. I don't know what to do but my body is doing it automatically.

I'd like to talk about this, peacefully. It turned out opposite. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have opened the topic in this place!

I made her terrible again.

Jisoo, Seulgi and Jeongyeon reaches out to help and we succeeded to seperate the two.

"Jennie, this is not true. They are lying—."  Kai.

He's denying? What an asshole. Just then, he asks how Luca is, that's why Luca misheard his name into Kyle.

"Not true? Seriously? Damn you. I thought you were sincere." I said.

Yes, he asked to go out with Luca but I never let him. He denied it at first so why would I let him?

"Why do you fucking compete with me always?" Lisa asked panting.

"Because everything is supposed to be mine, I told you. You, thief! You steal everything from me!" Kai burst.

I know their story. I know how pathetic Kai was. He wants everything to be his. I just don't understand why he competes.

"Ah, that's why you're harassing Jennie?! Fuck you, jerk!" Lisa groaned.

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