CHAPTER 11: T-thanks

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Jennie's PoV

I am literally flustered on how this annoying giant beaten up those muscular man.

While she's beating up those perverts, my sight were all slow motioned. My ears are deaf-like and I can just hear my heart beating fast. When she looked at me while choking the guy, it gave me an electric shock on my body. It's weird. Really weird. This was the second time that I felt weird.

What's happening now?

"I really shouldn't go with you! It just gave me a trouble!" I scowled. We're still all here. I was scowling since earlier.

"Who even told you to go here? Did I? I didn't, right?" Lisa answered drunkly. She stood up from resting her back on her car, that made her almost stumble but she gripped on the car door handle.

"You know what? Drag your friend out of my sight before I punch her also. Be safe, yeorobun! Goodnight! *hik*" she waved her hand. She's really drunk.

I glared at her. What the fuck?! Yes, she's drunk and I should understand it but, I am being more pissed! Uh! I really hate hef! REALLY!

"Uh, yeah. We really should get going. Thank you very much for saving us, guys. We really do appreciate it. Have a safe drive! Goodnight!" Rosè just said and pulled me. We walked on a haste while she's gripping on my wrist.

"Yah! Yah! Chaeyoung-ah!" Then we stopped on our cars which are parked beside each other.

"You should just thank them, especially Lisa. Be thankful that they saved us, because if not, we are probably on a room with thise guys right now. Burlt what did you do? You just scowl and scowl and scowl and scowl. Gosh, unnie." She rolled her eyes. What? What should I do, then?

"What should I do, then? To praise how she did beat up those perverts—?" I groaned.

"I told you, you should at least thank her. Imagine, unnie, she has a problem and she is drunk. But she still manage to help. Gosh, unnie. We better go before I beat you up. Uh!" She gitted. I frowned and hopped inside my car and we drove off.

While we're on the road. I am thinking.

Should I really need to thank her? Geez, if I wasn't there and if they didn't force me to go, I won't experience this. Uh!

I drop Chaeng on her house before I drove myself home.

When I got home, Mom and Dad asked me where I have been and I told them the truth. They asked me on a worry and I said 'yes' then told them the whole happening. I thought they will be mad at Lisa too. But, nah!

They said, "Chaeng is right, you should thank Lisa. She has a problem but she helped you and set aside her own reason why she's there." Like they were on the side of that dumbass..

I was now on my room now, thinking if I really shoul thank her.

If I thank her, she'll just boast her self.

If I didn't, it will look like I am a bad person for not thanking the person who helped me with those perverts.

I always have my second thoughts.

Times had pass and I took an hour to decide.

Okay, fine..
Lisa's PoV

In the morning I stood up on my bed as my alarm rings.

My head hurts when I move. I yawned but the side of my lip is also hurt.

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