CHAPTER 13: Somi

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After a long day of the group, they finally finished the ID photoshoot. Everyone left the room except the three—Kai, Jennie and Lisa, to grab some snacks. The three were transferring the files in Jennie's laptop for the format. Kai was the first one who transferred his camera's files, so Lisa have to wait for her turn.

Lisa was tapping her foot. She was thinking about her unexpected meet up with Somi earlier.

"Jeon Somi, you're here again in my life. I hope you wouldn't ruin my life..again." Lisa's thoughts. She unconsciously took her vape inside her pocket and puffed an air to release. It was prohibited in the school but she used the back gate to enter the school, which the guard is sleeping so no one inspected her.

Jennie smelled the good scent of the smoke and she faced the tall girl who's vaping and Kai also did as well. Their eyes widened.

"What the hell are you doing? It's prohibited, right?!" She groaned. Kai furrowed her brows and continue what he's doing. He's somewhat worried to the tall girl for puffing the device but he just shrug it off and thinking on telling it to Lisa's Dad.

"You don't care." She just said and release one last smoke and supposed to keep it when Jennie grabbed the device.

"I'll give this to the office.." she pointed the device on Lisa. Lisa scoffed and smirk. She shook her head before she avert her attention to her camera.

"Let that brat suffocate on that thing." Kai suggested. Jennie didn't move and she tightened her grip on the vape while glaring at Lisa who's staring blankly on her camera.

There is this pictures from the past that she forgot to delete. The pictures of her and Somi. She just deleted the pictures of her and Somi.

Jennie threw the slightly heavy device on Lisa that hit the tall girls arm. The vape broke when it lands on the floor.

Lisa wasn't on the good mood so her sight darken. She walked to Jennie on a haste and held both of her arms.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Lisa said, not minding how many inch were left between their faces.

Jennie's eyes widened because of it. Her heart pounds fast again. It's just hours passed since she last felt that and here it comes again. She's just staring at the tall girl with eyes widen. She can just here her heart pounding fast. She unconsciously looked at the tall girls plump lips and swallowed a lump.

Lisa's grip tightened on the small girl's arms that made her flinch.

"It hurts! Get off me!" She shouted on the girl. Kai heard it and she pushed Lisa away from Jennie.

"What's your problem, Lisa?!" Kai shouted while continue pushing Lisa.

"Why the hell are you always butting in?!" Lisa said to Kai and release a punch. Jennie got startled and she don't know what to do. Jennie can't move her body because of shock.

The two continued punching each other on the corner to prevent some damages on the important stuffs.

Lisa was like a drunk lady who punched someone. She's really not on the mood and additional to that, her vape broke.

"Yah! You two, stop!" Jennie shouted and run to the two to pacify the fight.

"You're always butting inside my life!" Lisa shouted and release a big blow on her cousin.

"Did I complain when you are getting what's mine?!" Kai also shouted and grab the tall girl's collar and release a blow on her jaw.

"Stop bragging things, Jong-in. You just don't deserve it!" Lisa didn't punch back but she gripped on the guy's arms.

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