CHAPTER 51: happy Manoban

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Jennie's PoV
A week was done. Its good tho.

5 days with that annoying giant. She's always treating us something when I say I want this or I want that.

I remember on Monday, I said I want milk sundae and then she treated me on our favorite ice cream shop. Not just me but also the other dorks and their girlfriends.

On Tuesday, I said I'm having hard time on this subject and Lisa helped me.

On Wednesday, on our free time, my shoelace got untied and she noticed it first and tied it for me.

On Thursday, I saw a cute teddy bear and she bought it. Additionally, the vendor thought that I was her little sister like bitch, I'm older than her. Sister?!

And on Friday, Somi thought that Luca's birthday is on Sunday and of course, that bitch invited Lisa and her friends. Of course with me. I'm her friend too.

Friend? Shut up, yes!

I don't know but all her actions are sending me shivers. It's making me crazy. Sometimes I'm feeling my self blushing. Maybe because it's my first time to be treated like that

I'm now getting ready to go to the mall because, you know, I will go to Daegu, in Somi's place. So I should go much presentable than the others. Because I.Am.Jennie.Rubyjane.Kim.. you understand? Good then. 👌

Taehyung oppa will accompany me and after that, he will go with Lisa and the other dorks while me, Rosè, Irene and Nayeon are on a shopping

"Mandu Kim! What now!! Lisa and the others are on their ways now!" Taehyung oppa shouted from the door. He's damn excited to meet those dorks, especially Lisa, he said.

"Wait the hell, oppa! I can't  fucking see my Chanel bag!" I also shouted. I'm seriously finding that shit until now! Ugh!

"Stupid, you drop it earlier on the couch at the living room because you are excited." V oppa barge inside my room.


"Eh~? Let's go now! Tsk! Girls are really, argh!" He groaned and acted like he's about to punch me and I pouted.

"Let's go!" She pulled me.

"Wait a damn minute! Be careful! My sandals! Seriously?!" I yelled but he didn't care. I heard Dad laughed.
Lisa's PoV

"Do you think Jennie will go with V?"


"Hey, is Jennie coming with you?"


"Jennie will—."

"Lisa! Fucking calm down!! What the hell!" Nayeon stopped me from asking again and punched me on my stomach that made the others laugh.

"What the fuckk.. why?!" I groaned.

"You're asking the same question since earlier!! JENNIE WILL BE WITH US, OKAY?! And don't expect too much! You will be with Taehyung and we will be with Jennie! We have the different paths to go!" She yelled at me.

"Sorry about that.. she's on her period—."

"Shut the fuck up, Yoo Jeongyeon." Nayeon cutted her girlfriend. I pouted.


I'm nervous too. Should I tell V that I like her sister? Help juseyo🙏

"Yah, Lisa.. are you going to tell V what you feel about Jennie?" Jisoo asked while wiping Chaeng's side lip because, I know you know that she's eating again. Yep..

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