CHAPTER 67: Nothing?

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Lisa went back on consciousness and pulled out.

"Damn.. I'm so sorry, Jennie. I'm really sorry." Lisa is panting.

Jennie's just looking at her, internally happy, exploding. Her face is unreadable, like just a normal face.

"Fuck, what did just I do.." Lisa murmured.

"Lisa.." Jennue spoken. Lisa cannot tilt her head.

"That was nothing, Jennie. I just felt carried away... I-I'll drop you home." And then Lisa drove the car with a fast ranging speed.

"Lisa, look."

"Let's not talk about it. It's nothing." Lisa sternly said, nervous, mad at herself.

"Is it really nothing? I thought you'd moved on?" Jennie sarcastically said, a bit disappointed.

"You're right, let's not talk about it." Jennie rolled her eyes.

A silence traced until they reached Jennie's house.

"Let's forget what happened tonight." Jennie uttered before closing Lisa's car door.

"What the fuck, Lisa!!" Lisa bumoed her head to the wheel.

She took a deep breath and drove her car home.

(Time Skip)

In the morning, Lisa's friends with Jennie and Kai are waiting for the latter.

Little they didn't know, Lisa is a bit drunk.

At the parking lot, Lisa parked her car and brought her bag inside.

She didn't mind the guard and passed. Why? She has a bottle of liquor on her bag.

"Finally, you're here!" Kai smirked.

"Eyy! Good morning!! Still intoxicated?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Tipsy." Lisa asnwered.

"Good morning babe." Somi clings on Lisa, making Jennie Jealous. Jennie is staring at Lisa which Kai noticed but didn't mind.

"Morning." Lisa stroked Somi's back.

Jennie who's  crossing her arms rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked. "I'm fine." Jennie answered.

"Hey, Lisa. Jennie told me, you dropped her last not. Thanks for that." Kai told.

Lisa cleared her throat as she remember what happened.

"That's.. okay." Lisa answered and look on the others who's giving her an mischievous look.

They know. They knoe what happened since Jennie told them when they're waiting for Kai and Lisa.

"What the hell is that look?"  Lisa asked.

"Nah, nothing. Let's go?" Jisoo smirked.

"Yeah, let's go." Somi lead the way with Chaeyoung, Irene, Jennie, Nayeon and Kai.

The others followed on the back and started discussing.

" was the kiss?" Seulgi asked in low tone. Kai is not for from her.

"W-what?" Lisa stuttured.

"Jennie told earlier.. so, she kissed back?" Jisoo asked.

"Uh.. off to the topic." Lisa answered and lower down her head.

"Tss.. what the hell, Lisa. You just have to tell us, how was kissing Jennie your love--." On Seulgi's normal voice, Kai and the others heard. She slipped because of excitement

"What the fuck, Seulgi--!" Jennie reacts.

"What the hell did you do?!" Kai reached Lisa in  a fast way.

"I did what?" Lisa asked and she recieved a hard jab.

"Oh my god, Lisa!" Jennie stepped in the two.

"What did you do?!" Kai grabbed Lisa's collar.

"Watch your mouth next time, Seulgi." Irene elbowed Seulgi's abdomen.

"I kissed Jennie, why?" Lisa spoken. Everyone gasped.

And Lisa recieved another jab.

"Lisa, shut up!" Jennie groaned.

"Why? Are you embarassed that we enjoyed a kiss?" Lisa mocked, indeed tipsy.

Lisa's bag dropped so Chaeyoung grabbed it.

"I'll call Mr. M" Somi said and she ran.

"Look on what you did, Seulgi" seulgi recieved a smach on her head from Jisoo.

"Yah! I Didn't mean it! I'm just excited! I'm sorry okay?!" Seulgi pouted.

"Wow, you have the guts?! You harassed her! You pervert!" Kai shouted in Lisa's face

"Kai, please calm down." Jennie is trying to pull Kai. Kai is so strong, full of anger.

"Harassed? It's love, stupid." Lisa pushed Kai with all her strength.

They started pushing each other until theu ended up wrestling.

"Stop!" Jennie is seperating the two.

"What the hell are you looking at?! Help me!" Jennie shouted the others and Seulgi, Jisoo, Jeongyeon helped.

"You son of a bitch, come here!" Kai shouted on Lisa.

"Cath me if you can, dumbass." Lisa mocked again.

Mr. M with the dean came. "STOPP!"


I had to revise it. This is not the original plot but my wattpad app bugged. I apologize for it.

Happy reading!!😙

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