Chapter 40: Fool

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Jennie's PoV

Dad called me from their room. I took a bath first before I go to their room.

I knocked.

"Come in." I heard Mom said.

I entered their room and saw Dad on his table.

"Dad, What is it?" I asked and sat beside Mom on the bed.

"Me and M are sure that Lisa won't join the regional dance competition. But the team need her, she's the ace." He said.

So what?

"And.. I thought of something. You should act up, Ms. Kim. Pretend that you'll be part of the team." Dad

"Why me? And, I don't care to that giant! Just don't force her! That's easy, Dad. Why are you pushing her to join?" I confusingly asked. What? Why me? I'm nothing? Duh!

"You don't understand, my dear. The school won every dance competition because of her." He explained

"Then why me? Why can't Somi do that?!"I unconsciously said

"Jealous much?"is he teasing or what? What the damn hell!

"What? Dad—." I was cutted by Mom

"Come on. Just go with the flow!" She said and tapped my shoulder.

I was about to speak when Mom's phone rang.

"Ooh.. Taehyung is calling!" Oppa!

"Hello? Baby?"

["geez, what a cringe."]


["Aish.. anyways.. I'm going home."] really? Yess! I miss him! I grabbed to the phone.

"When?!" I excitedly asked.

["Uhm.. still not sure but.. next week."]

"Really? See you then! Miss you so much!"

["sis, it's just a month passed. Well, I miss you too. How are you."]

"Uh, I gave her a task but she's rejecting it." Dad butt in. I rolled my eyes.

["Really? What is it? Maybe it's hard?"]

"Yeah, oppa that was—."

"It's not. She will just act up to make Lisa join the dance competition and it's done." Dad answered again

["Lisa? Oh well, my bro! It's not hard, Kim Jennie. Do it or I'll not go home. I'm serious, Rubyjane. You know me."]


I know that he's damn serious about that. I knew it because of his voice. That's why I'm damn celebrating inside when she gave in.

But, I'm confused. Why should I do that? Like duh? We're not close. And why is she like that? Why did she act like that? She's weird! And I must admit that I find it a little.. cute?


The dancers came out from the office after 10 minutes. My friends at my side are talking to each other earlier and now, they're smiling to the dancers as they knew my Task.

There's a junior on my side, she met Ryujin with a hug as well as Yeji and they walk away.

Irene met Seulgi half way and she kissed Seulgi's cheek. Cringe.

Hoseok, Momo and Mashiho walked with each other.

Lastly, Lisa walked out of the door.

We stood up and get our bags.

As I turn my head, Lisa was in fronted me with her famous blank face. I was shocked and held my chest.

I look to our friends and their now walking away. I look to the other side and it's just me and Lisa.

"Why the hell?" I bravely ask. I'm damn scared right now. I know it's because of what I did earlier. I just did my freaking task but I never knew this coming! Somebody help me.

She didn't answer and still on blank face.

I pushed her.

A took a deep breath and made a step. Before making another step, she took a step beside me and slightly pushed me to the wall on this pathway, she locked my two sides by her long arms.

She pinned me.

My heart began to race.

Her face is still blank.

"Why did you do that?" She asked in a deep voice. I unconsciously punched her shoulder but she didn't flinch, both of my fist unconsciously clenched on her shoulder. My breath isn't normal. She's driving me crazy. I swallowed a lump

"Tell me." She asked again. I can smell her mint breath.

Her face is getting near as she ask. She gritted her teeth, I can see it by the movement of her lips.

"W-Why? A-at least, your n-now part of the d-dance group? R-right?" I stuttered. I fucking stuttered! What the damn is happening to me!!

"Do you think I like it?" She asked with a groan. My fist on her shoulder clenched more tight. She's damn scary! She started to breath on her mouth.

"L-Lisa—." I was cutted.

"Such a fool." She said and placed her tongue to her upper side tooth so her mouth is now a bit open as if she's smirking.

"You did great, Ms. Kim. You acted up great. Congratulations, you got me." She huskily said. She smirked and look to my lips before looking up to my eyes again. She pull herself up, still not removing her gaze that went blank to me.

"I'll let this pass, Ms. Kim." And she left.

I followed her with my eyes.

My heart is still pounding insanely. I felt something wet on my thing down there. What the fuck, Lisa!

I also noticed two people from the door of the office. Mr. M and Dad.

I held my chest with my fist and clenched my eyes before I took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and put my hands down before I bowed to them before I walk away on a haste, following my friends.

"I'll let this pass, Ms. Kim."

Oh god. Her voice is still on my head! Damn it!


Wazzup? Hehe. 1 more update later 😉

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