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(Almost ulit, mwehehe)

It's nearly afternoon class. Students are shuttered in every part of the school, heading to their rooms.

Lisa's gang are laughing, having a chitchat. Except Lisa who's on Jennie's back, carrying the latter's belonging. She had an silly idea.

She ran faster in the middle of everyone, standing on a ramp stone.

"EVERYONE!!" Lisa paged everyone nad waved her arms up.

"What the.. What are you doing, Lisa?!" Jennie groaned.

Lisa ran back to her gang after getting everyone's attention. She pulled Jennie gently on her platform and asked.

"Do you know this lady?" Lisa asked in the top of her lungs.

The dean and the director who's heading back to the office noticed the students.

"Is that Lisa? And... Jennie." The Director patted Jennie's Dad. They stood where they can see and hear Lisa clearly, with a smile and thrill.

"Yah, Do you know her?" Lisa asked again with a big smile.

"Hon', what the hell are you doing? You're disturbing them!" Jennie groaned despite of the thrill.

"Shh.. watch and be proud." Lisa smiked on her.

"Everyone, who is she?" Lisa asked again.

"Jennie."  "Jennie Kim."   "Kim Jennie."

Most replied.

"Nah... you're closely right!" Lisa answered and look on her girlfriend.

"What are you doing?" Jennie asked, restraining her smile.

"She's the girl I'll be waiting in the end of the aisle! She's the girl I'll Love 24/365." Lisa announced.

Everyone squealed. Everyone rejoice. Dean and the Director laughed and clapped.

"What's going on here?" Mr. M suddenly came.

"Amigo! Look at them. Our daughters." Dean laughed again.

The three look on the center and saw the two sharing a wonderful and genuine kiss.

"We better set up a parish on Europe." Mr. M jokingly said.

"And I'll be their godfather. Wah, I'm really getting old." The director shook his head.

They laughed and enjoyed just like Jennie and Lisa.

"Meeting ajourned! Let's get to class! Study well, everyone!!" Lisa ajourned her huge meeting.

"You're full of surprises!" Jennie told as Lisa guide her to get down from the platform.

"Did I turned the butterflies in your stomach on?" Lisa asked as they walk back to their friends.

"Mostly." Jennie leaned her head to Lisa's arm.

"What a cringe, Lisa. Too corny. You should have rent NASA and annonced the whole world from the space." Jisoo joked. Everyone laughed.

"Nah, I was suppose to do that but I think you should do it. Right, Chaeng?" Lisa teased and Chaeyoung blushed.

"For me, I'll dig the ground until bedrock and shout through the hell how I love Iren--." Irene cuts Seulgi

젠리사: I love you 24/365 || JenLisa✅Where stories live. Discover now