CHAPTER 93: thrown

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"Kill me, little sis."

Lisa's body weakened even more. She shook her head and released Kai.

"I'm... so sorry." Lisa became soft, rubbing her face.

"I'm sorry too... but I have made up my mind. Apology is not enough!" Kai told.

Lisa's eyes bulged as Kai kicked her that made her slip on the cliff.

"LISAAAAAAA!" Everyone screamed.

Jennie's PoV
My body dropped into my knees..


Everything slow motioned on my sight.

I saw how Lisa looked at me while falling down.

My heart shattered into pieces as I ran to their place.

I heard the police officers reloads their guns.

I feel wanted to jump on the cliff as well to find Lisa. I want to die with her.

Imagining how high this cliff is? It's tearing me apart, knowing that anyone who will jump on this will be surely DEAD.

My body jolted when Kai grabbed my body to use as SHIELD from the gunshots that the police gave.

I was hit by a bullet on my arm.

"FIRE DOWN! CIVILLIAN INJURED!"  A police officer.

Kai jumped of the cliff, taking his own life.

I couldn't feel the pain.

Thinking that Lisa fell on this goddamn ckiff is more painful. Besides, it didn't hit directly, maybe just a scratch.



I heard them.

I want to follow Lisa! I want to be with her! How come the world is so cruel?! Why does it have to be Lisa?!

I once again dropped on my knees and crawled to the edge of the cliff, ignoring the stinging pain on my arm.

I need Lisa.

"LISA!" I called her, crying.

The others came as well, crying. They tried to get me.

"Jennie, l-let's go.. please?" Irene spoke.

"NO! I NEED LISA! LISAAAAAAAA!" Shouting to the top of my lungs.

The sight of the flowing water, deep down.. it's depressing. How would Lisa survive that? Hundreds of feet? I just feel like jumping on it as well.

"Jennie, everthing will be fine.." Jisoo cried pulling me..

"It won't be! I need Lisa! I want Lisa!" I cried my heart out.

"Your wound! Jennie please, let's go. Your parents fainted out!" Nayeon tried to pull me as well.

I resisted.

"LISAAAAAAAA!" I called again. As if she wilk hear me.

Is this it?

Just a short period of happiness?

"LISA, YOU PROMISED! 24/365, LISA! 24/365!" I hit the rock.

You are so deceitful, Lisa! You told me 24/365!

"24... 365! JENNIE!"

We heard a low tone of voice.



A short one

젠리사: I love you 24/365 || JenLisa✅Where stories live. Discover now