I LOVE YOU 24/365

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Jennie's PoV


I'm sleepy right now, but our kids and my love is still playing.

"Yah, don't you have classes tomorrow? Your Dada needs to rest now." I asked with a smile. I always felt my heart soft when this three people is being like this to each other. Especially, their Dada is always busy at work, they don't have much time to hang out like this.

"You're just jealous, Mommy." The first born mocked and giggled. Oh, this kid.

"Of course not! Your Dada just need to rest." I said in defense. Geez, they really inherited this to her.

"I'm fine, Hon'. And besides, this can rarely happen." She answered and continued tickling her sons.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Dada, s-stop! HAHAHAHA!" And then the kids coughed.

"That's enough. If you want to stay with Dada, you can sleep here." I said and rubbed the kids' back to stop them from coughing. And then they stopped.

Both of the kids stretched their both arms and yawned.

"You must be very tired. Let's sleep then." She said and the kids lay down in the middle of me and their Dada.

Silence began to trace between all of us.

"Mommy, Dada?" The suddenly the second born spoke.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Dada?" He called the attention of his Dada but a snore just answered.

"Yah! Dada!" The kid then slapped his Dada's tummy.

"Argh! What was that?" She winced in pain.

The first born and I just laughed at them. And the two started to argue

"Okay, fine! Why did you called me?" Then she surrendered. She's so soft to her kids and to me, which always make me fall for her. That's so cheesy but it's true.

"Can you tell us a story?" He asked.

"Bedtime stories are for babies, bro." Did he just call him bro? Oh my god, they really are grown up!

"Shut up, hyung! You are just a toddler and we are Mommy and Dada's baby." He said in defense

"I'm not a baby." The first born frowned.


"Alright, stop arguing, kids. Dada might fall asleep again. Look, she's yawning again." I mocked my love.

"No, I'm not." She said in defense and I giggled

"Can you just listen first, hyung?!" The second born raised his voice a little.

"Are you shouting at me? I'm older than you, Mr. Manoban." The first born raised a brow.

"Whatever. Then, don't listen." And he hugged his Dada.

"Tell us— I mean, tell me how you and Mommy became a lover." He said.

"Why?" Lisa asked our child while looking at me.

"I'm just curious. Because whenever I see the both of you being clingy and sweet to each other, I always thought that you two have a perfect relationship since then." He added.

"Well, Dada and I didn't have perfect relationship since then." I said.

"It's a very long story to tell, my son." Lisa patted the kid's head on her arms. I giggled as I know how long it was.

"Just tell us— I mean, me. Tell me. Since hyung is feeling old." He emphasized everything.

"Yah!" His hyung frowned.

"Okay, then. Since you will bother me every time to tell it to you." She smiled. That smiled that only her family and friends can see. The smile that other people rarely see to her.


She cleared her throat as she start to tell the story...

안녕! So, HAHA! I published this story as I let you vote on the poll on my tiktok account. THIS PART IS THE PROLOGUE!

Sorry for wrong grammars and typos. I TRIED TO EDIT IT BUT I'M NOT SURE IF I COMPLETELY EDITED IT. Again, 미안해요 .

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